شناسه مطلب صحیفه
A warning to the Prime Minister about the Provincial and District Councils Bill
Asadullah `Alam (the then Prime Minister)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۷۵ تا صفحه ۷۶

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
His Excellency Mr. Asadullah `Alam, the Prime Minister of Iran:
During the long recess of the two houses of the Parliament, the administration seems to consider steps that are against the most sacred laws of Islam and in clash with the fundamental laws. You could be sure that violating the laws of Islam, the Constitution and the regulations of the Consultative Assembly will hold Your Eminence and the administration heavily accountable before God Almighty, the Muslim nation and the law. Entrance of women in the two houses of the Parliament, the Provincial and District Councils and municipalities is contrary to the fixed laws of Islam, the field of which is the specialization of the prominent `ulama' and the religious authorities [maraji`] of Islamic edict [fatwa] , according to the Constitution, while the others are not allowed to interfere in this domain. Islamic jurists and authorities [maraji` ]have pronounced and do pronounce its prohibition in their edicts [fatwas ]. Women's suffrage and their candidature in any of the cases are against Article II of the Supplement to the Constitution. Moreover, the law of the Consultative Assembly ratified and endorsed in Rabi` ath-Thani 1325 AH, has denied women of the right to vote and to be elected for the Provincial and District Councils and Municipalities. You can refer to Articles VII and IX of the Provincial and District Councils Law and Articles XV and XVII of the Municipality Councils. Accordingly, providing them with such a right is against the Constitution. This is not to mention the abolition of the prerequisite condition," being a Muslim", for the voters and the elected as stipulated in the abovementioned law, and changing the swearing on" the Qur'an" to swearing on" the Holy Book" is also a violation of that law. This will entail great dangers for Islam and the independence of the country. I am sure this has been done out of ignorance and not- may God forbid- on purpose, I hope. Now that His Majesty has referred the request put forward by the prominent `ulama' to the administration and your administration holds the responsibility, it is expected that you take urgent action to amend this mistake, following the fixed laws of Islam and the national laws, letting not such a thing happen again. And if, in Your Eminence's opinion there is anything unclear about it, why don't you visit the holy shrine in Qum so that we could meet here in person and make everything clear, and you could take advice on the matters dealing with the interests of the country which cannot be just written down.
At the end, I draw your attention to the point that the distinguished `ulama of Iran and the holy cities in Iraq, and other Muslims will not keep silent concerning matters dealing with the indispensable Islamic law, and matters contrary to Islam will not- through the power and will of God Almighty- be formally established.

سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه