شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Issuance of Khwansari's statement concerning the gathering of the people of Tehran in Sayyid `Azizullah Mosque, and Imam Khomeini's criticism of the lack of revolutionary and widespread reaction to the Provincial and District Councils Bill
Muhammad-Taqi Falsafi
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۸۰ تا صفحه ۸۱
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
His Esteemed Eminence Thiqat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Aqa Falsafi, the renowned Islamic orator (may his blessings last) :
May you be free from any ailments, by the will of God. Besides, I saw Mr. Khwansari's declaration and was somehow surprised. «1» His move is in principle so necessary and timely, but it is poor and weak in substance. For this religious matter in which the foundation of the clergy, religion and the nation is in danger, holding a rawdah session (eulogy for the reverend Imams) and putting forth the foundation of religion along side are injurious with respect to the main objective. What is worse is that they choose Sayyid `Azizullah Mosque where 4,000 elderly mosque-going tradesmen gather. Of course, you know that the administration is not afraid of religiosity and so not even frightened by the pious tradesmen of bazaar or by one man's prayers or another's curse. The government is concerned of the active and young people, political parties and the university. A religious gathering in which Mr. Falsafi, the mouthpiece of Islamic religiosity and Mr. Khwansari, contemporary Islamic authority, goes to speech, should not be held in Sayyid `Azizullah Mosque which is just like a closet for hiding.
I don't know what kind of heroism it is! This incident should have been announced and disseminated openly through a statement in millions of copies in Tehran and its suburbs, even in Qum and Qazvin and other towns around, stating that because there was not enough room in Tehran so they would go to the outskirts outside the city. In that case, there would be only two possibilities: What is far-fetched is that either they would try to stop us resorting to their bayonets, and then it will lead to a decisive conclusion and we will carry the day and the government will certainly fall, or they do not take that measure, and the dissidents will join you, causing a great uproar and the government will be paralyzed by the magnificence of the scene. Both possibilities are to the Muslims' advantage.
Anyway, the opportunity is lost now, but there is another chance, and it is that in your speeches you stress that we are not going to call for a huge gathering yet, or we would gather outside Tehran and inform the nation of more important matters. In Qum, there will be a large gathering of Iranians planned and in the outskirts of Qum; the people of Iran will be told about the vital matters by some of the `ulama' themselves.
Your Eminence is aware that we are beyond reconciliation and compromise now, and we are dealing with annihilation and subjugation of the Islamic precepts, so let us say" Away, away with abasement!" Do not be frightened and have reservation. They will arrest neither Mr. Khwansari, nor you; the world will not easily allow it. You know better anyway. I beg your apology for not being able to write more than this. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Jamadi ath-Thani 2, 1382 AH
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه