شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Answering the inquiries of the merchants and tradesmen of Qum
Tradesmen and merchants of Qum
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۰۳ تا صفحه ۱۰۶


[In His Most Exalted Name
His Venerable Eminence Ayatullah al-`Uzma Haj Aqa Rouhullah Khomeini (may his blessings last):
Here are two questions humbly put forward about the Provincial and District Councils Elections:
* Does Mr. Prime Minister's interview with the press (dated 8/ 21/ 1341 AHS) comply with Your Eminence's intentions?
* Do you find the telegram sent by the Prime Minister to Ayatullah al-`Uzma satisfactory or not?]
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
In my opinion, the Prime Minister's «2» interview had no legitimacy and was not satisfactory to me because when a subject becomes a bill in the cabinet, it will not be changed through an interview in a newspaper, and the bill- granted that it is legal- will still be valid. But there are some points in Mr. Prime Minister's telegram to the prominent `ulama' of Qum that are very interesting:
1. About the swearing on the" Holy Book" he says," What we mean by the `Holy Book' is the Qur'an." Although we accepted this interpretation to let him be acquitted of profaning the Holy Qur'an according to Islamic laws, his interpretation has no legitimacy at all. Ratifying the phrase" Holy Book" which includes other heretic books is still valid in their opinion, and Mr.Prime Minister's role is just to beguile the people. The same danger brought upon the Qur'an by the traitors to the religion and country in the bill that is against Islamic and national law persists and no Muslim who sees the Holy Qur'an in danger can be nonchalant.
2. What he has claimed about the swearing of religious minorities on their own books in the parliament is false and the book ascribed to Zoroaster and other heretic books were never let into the Parliament. The swearing text also proves that all MPs used to swear the same.
3. About his claim," In an Islamic country the voters and the candidates are the Muslims," it must be said that it has nothing to do with the articles in the bill; and a promise of amendment is not legally binding and does not satisfy us. Even if Mr. `Alam would write that these three articles mentioned in the bill are nullified, this is also legally worthless because once something is ratified in the cabinet, it cannot be annulled by the Prime Minister alone, and it is still binding. The great danger threatening Islam, the independence and honor of the country caused by the ratification of this bill, which may have been prepared by the Jewish Zionist spies in order to undermine the independence, and upset the economy, of the country, persists according to Mr. `Alam's cabinet. The administration believes that they have the right to implement it, although it is against the laws of Islam and the Constitution, against the religious and national feelings of the twenty million population of Iran, or all Muslims because it will be enforceable before it undergoes emendation in the cabinet.
I am surprised as to why the esteemed ministers accept such a huge legal responsibility and do not revise their bill, and they do not want to be known as civilized among the great nations and to make their people proud. Having respect for religion and law, accepting emendations in the bills and yielding to religion and law are a sign of courage and civilization and in accordance with international decorum. At the same time, disregarding the law and resisting the people's wishes are medieval practices and lack any decorum. It is better that the ministers of an ancient country would not tolerate being known as such, and being a proof of backwardness and retardation of a great people. It is a disgrace to a government, who calls itself `civilized' to hinder such a great, unprecedented or rare national and legal movement, which is initiated by a unified nation in order to defend its religion and the Constitution, from being universally known, by unreligious measures and strict censorship throughout the country. We feel embarrassed and degraded facing foreign news agencies and embassies; we acquit the Iranian nation from such a medievalist behavior, and accuse a few intimidated or threatened ones. The noble people respect their sacred religion and their constitution, and avoid actions that endanger the nation and independence of the country.
I feel religiously obliged to warn the nation of Iran and the Muslims of the world of the danger posed against the Qur'an and Islam. The independence and economy of the country is prone to be dominated by the Zionists disguised as Baha'i parties in Iran. With the deathly silence of the Muslims, it will be no time before they take possession of the economy of the country and thoroughly impoverish the Muslim nation. Iranian television is a base for espionage for the Jews, and other governments observe this and approve it. The Muslim nation will not keep silent as long as the danger remains. Moreover, if anyone keeps silent, he will be accountable in the presence of God Almighty and will be doomed in this world.
4. What Mr. Prime Minister states in his telegram is surprising too. He claims that this election is like city hall elections where women's participation was ratified and there was no objection. Firstly, Provincial and District Councils have their own separate laws and women are made exception in that law. Mr. Prime Minister neglects the congressional law about the Provincial and District Councils, and resorts to something analogous! He would better interpret this law, too. Secondly, as informed people say, the City Election Law is not ratified in the Parliament yet and is just on the agenda in some parliamentary committee; even if it had been ratified, it would have had nothing to do with District Councils Bill. Thirdly, if the Parliament passes a law against the Constitution, it will be invalid and any parliament that consents such a thing will be left forsaken, and its members can be prosecuted.
5. He writes that this issue is a matter of common law. It is very surprising if he means that it is not a matter of religious laws because all common-law topics have their own counterparts in the religious laws and they are not informed about Islamic laws and rights. The `ulama' of Islam are the ones who are liable to judge the case.
6. As for the latter statement, you should refer to the Parliament if you believe it is religiously unlawful. I should say that of course it is be notified to the Parliament when it is high time. I have to tell Mr. Prime Minister that no parliament and no officials can pass laws against the Islamic law [shari`ah] and the Ja`fari creed. You can refer to the second principle of the Supplement to the Constitution. The Muslim nation and the `ulama' of Islam are vigilant and unyielding, and will cut off any hand that tries to encroach
on the foundations of Islam and the reputation of Muslims." And Allah is predominant in His affair." «3»
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini


سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه