شناسه مطلب صحیفه
A`zam Mosque, Qum
The commencement of lessons at the Qum theological center after the conclusion of the Provincial and District Council disturbances
The deplorable socio-political conditions and announcement of the Shi`ah clergy services and struggles; the anti-religious policy of the Shah regime
The `ulama', instructors and students of religious sciences and residents of Qum
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۰۸ تا صفحه ۱۲۰
[In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful]

The uprising of the Commander of the Faithful (`a) against Mu`awiyah «1»

... meanwhile this was a necessary reminder that all governments should heed. From the advent of Islam, Muslims have been the guardians of the true religion of Islam even when they lost their rights for the sake of protecting the religion. Hadrat Amir al-Mu'minin, the Commander of the Faithful (`a) , co-operated with the caliphs because they outwardly followed the religious precepts, and chaos did not prevail until Mu`awiyah came to power and he deviated from the path and customs of the caliphs and transformed the caliphate into a monarchy. Under such circumstances, Imam `Ali had no choice but to rise up against him, for according to the rules of religion and logic, he could not tolerate Mu`awiyah to remain in that post for a single day. Those of his advisers who out of ignorance advised Imam `Ali to wait until his rule became stronger and then depose Mu`awiyah did not know that had he waited, he would have met with objections from the Muslims and after strengthening his position, he would not have been able to dismiss Mu`awiyah. «2»
Nowadays, there may be some uninformed people who believe it would have been better if Imam `Ali had made his position stronger and then deposed Mu`awiyah, but they are mistaken. Thus, when Imam `Ali realized that a cruel government was coming to power, revolt was a divine duty and he carried it out.
In this way, too, the infallible Imams revolted; even if they were few in number, they would fight to death in order to carry out their religious duties. Whenever one of the Imams saw that revolt was not appropriate, he stayed at home and propagated Islam instead. This was the way from the beginning of Islam.

Action of Mirza, the Great

The `ulama' and leaders of Islam have always advised the people to maintain their composure. It was not so long ago that Mirza the Great, the late Haj Mirza Muhammad Hasan Shirazi «3» lived. He was a great intellectual thinker who lived in Samarra' «4» and although he advocated quietism and reconciliation, when he realized that Islam was in danger and the cruel king at that time wanted to wipe out Islam by using foreign companies, this old man sitting in a small city with only three hundred of tullab [seminarians] around him was forced to admonish the despotic king. His writings have been preserved. That king did not listen and with offensive and impolite statements he defied the lofty position of this great scholar until the latter was forced to say a word so that independence could be restored.
After realizing that Iraq was exposed to danger, the late Mirza Muhammad-Taqi Shirazi «5» spoke out in support of the Arabs and changed matters. If he had not done so, Iraq would have been destroyed. All Muslim states are indebted to this group of men (the clergymen) ; it is they who, up until now, have guarded their independence. They are one of the resources of the Islamic countries, and it is through their counsel that arrogant people are silenced. By the same token, when the clergymen see that Islam is in danger they strive as much as possible and if they feel that by making issues public knowledge, by giving speeches and sending messages the danger can be averted, so be it, but if not they have no choice but to rise up and take action.
The clergymen wish to see harmony and unity exist among all Muslims; however, they can only maintain their silence insofar as national independence is not endangered by things that even the government may be unaware of or may not understand. These duties are determined by religion, it is not that the `ulama' say something of their own accord; this kind of uprising is that which is stipulated by religion and the Holy Qur'an.

Divine grace for the government and the Shah

On the evening before the people were to go to the Sayyid `Azizullah Mosque to pray for the awakening of the government, «6» I was informed that the state was planning to resist. Under such circumstances, I realized that the `ulama' had another duty. I made the final decision while praying «7» and beseeching the Almighty God and I told no one, but God was gracious towards the Shah, the state and the nation. If, God forbid, any disrespect had been aimed at the `ulama' of Tehran, I would have made a grave decision, but around midnight, the administration realized that it could not withstand the power of the people, and that same night it took a document from the great `ulama' of Tehran so that the problem would be resolved. «8» The following morning a telegram also arrived in Qum while I was at Mr. Shari`atmadari's home. «9» The telegram was a good sign, but there was fear of deceit until news of the annulment of the Provincial and District Councils Bill was published in the newspapers after several communications between here and Tehran. «10» However, they are not finished speaking yet.

Anti-Qur'anic laws are illegal

Concerning these municipality laws that, he claims, have been accepted by the `ulama', they have not been accepted, they have been objected to. Furthermore, the laws governing the Provincial and District Councils cannot be compared with those for the municipalities, which are said to be" similar", and to make such a comparison is erroneous. «11» However, in both cases, being male and Muslim has been included and stipulated in the text of the law. In addition to this, we are the ones to compel them to uphold what they themselves are committed to. «12» Not that the constitutional law is complete and final in our opinion, but if the `ulama' refer to the law it is because of the second article of the amendment to the Constitution which invalidates the legality of any law which opposes the Holy Qur'an. «13» For we do not concern ourselves with these laws, «14» we are concerned only with the Islamic laws. The `ulama' of Islam are interested in the laws of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet and Imams, anything that agrees with the Qur'an we will humbly submit to and anything which is incompatible with the religion and violates the Islamic laws, be that the constitutional law or even international laws, we will oppose. «15»
Brawl is peacefully ended with the effort of the `ulama' Praise be to God the matter is now over; Mr. Asadullah `Alam was warned that this matter must be ended and thanks to God it has ended. We are grateful that (praise be to God) it ended without a battle or war, without a drop of blood being shed. Such a matter, which could have ended in a great national uprising and could have moved nomads, ended with not even one person being slapped! During small, local uprisings and wars which involve thousands of people often a few are killed, and several are wounded, it is not possible that during an uprising of twenty million not even one person's nose bleeds! The state does not realize who prevented chaos or battle from occurring. They should come and see what has been written in the letters we have received and what has been said by the people who came to talk to us. «16»
They came to us with tears in their eyes," Give us an order, a word from you that our souls will have everlasting life and see what happens." We told them that we did not ask that of them. But if a single
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه