شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Najaf, Iraq
Expansion of the students-led struggle
Mr. Masali (International Affairs Secretary of the World Confederation of Students)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۹۱


[The International Affairs Secretary of the Confederation traveled to Iraq, on his way back from a seminar at the international conference of the Philippine students, «1» and was received by Hadrat Ayatullah Khomeini and announced the Iranian students' support for the campaigns by the progressive clergymen and the person of Hadrat Ayatullah.
talks with the Secretary of the World Confederation took place on June 25 [Tir 4] in the holy city of Najaf and revolved around the method of future cooperation between the clergy and the students The Secretary of the Confederation briefed Hadrat Ayatullah about the Confederation and various aspects of its activities. Hadrat Ayatullah Khomeini, while expressing regret for the state of affairs at home and referring to the imprisonment of a large number of the patriotic ones, made the following statement:]
"This campaigns must be expanded and have the entire nation partake in them. The students must continue their campaigns in unison and do not forget the oppressed people of Iran and all they are going through. The future of the country will be entrusted in the hands of the young generation and they should not neglect in protecting and safeguarding it. We, the clergymen are with you on this course and we cooperate with you in conformity with the Islamic precepts.
[stated that in future and at an appropriate occasion, he would write something through the Confederation. «2»]


سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه