شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Najaf, Iraq
Expression of antipathy toward traitors and revisionists
The public
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۰۴ تا صفحه ۲۰۶
[The distinguished personage Hadrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma Aqa Khomeini, may his sublime presence endure:
I would like to bring to your kind attention that, there have been unwarranted attacks recently on the sacred religion of Islam- especially on the righteous path of Shi`ism, the soul of Islam- by the communists, the followers of Marxist ideology and those who have strayed from the path of the Commander of the faithful and his honorable, infallible descendants (`a) as well as from the precepts of the sacred religion of Islam. Aspersions have also been cast from various quarters on the lofty status of the clergy. Unfortunately, some of these people have introduced themselves as being connected to you, calling them your supporters. I request you to kindly let me have your very explicit opinion on these points and on such people so that any doubts and misunderstanding be cleared.]
In His Most Exalted Name
I have repeatedly given my opinion, verbally and in writing, on such matters. It does not seem unlikely that the groups who are engaged in anti-Islamic and anti-religious activities in Iran are, with a change of name and tactics, the political factions that have been set up by foreign powers to undermine Islam and the sacred creed of Shi`ism, as well as the eminent stature of the clergy; to make the people inattentive to the current state of affairs. These groups have rallied under a common cause to betray the Islamic nation and crush its defenders. As the foes of Islam and the plunderers of powerless nations see their interests imperiled by the influence of the clergy- who are the sole protectors of the Holy Qur'an and the redeeming injunctions of Islam- they have inevitably resorted to forming revisionist parties in order to protect their expansionist interests. Such parties are connected to groups seemingly attributed to Islam, but are actually against it.
Islam and the sacred Ja`fari creed is the bastion against foreign powers and their puppets, whether leftists or rightists. The clergy, the protectors of the creed, constitute the bulwark because of which foreigners cannot do as they wish with Islamic countries, particularly Iran. Therefore, for centuries they have been using various subterfuges in plotting to demolish this bastion: sometimes by making their evil agents dominate the Islamic countries; sometimes by creating false creeds, and propagating Baha'ism, Babism and Wahhabism, and sometimes by means of revisionist parties. Now, that the baseless Marxist ideology is facing its downfall, and its futility has been exposed, the foreign stooges who are themselves against it are propagating it in Iran. They are doing this to shatter Islamic unity and to stamp out the Holy Qur'an and the clergy in Iran, the cradle of training based on the chaste and pure Household. The plundering foreign powers will never be able to realize their inhuman aspirations while this grand religion exists. So they have no alternative but to weaken and crush by every possible means the sacred creed of Shi`ism and the clergy who are its defenders. The falsehoods ascribed to me by some of these revisionists relate to these tactics of theirs.
I would like to say clearly that I detest and am disgusted with these treacherous groups, whether communists, Marxists, or deviants from the Shi`ah creed and the teachings of the Prophet's virtuous Household (`a) in whatever form and name they be. And I consider them traitors to creed and country and to Islam.
Let the malevolent people and those with ulterior motives know that they cannot sow discord among the clergy by such falsehoods and trickery. Those who are allied to the clergy and defend Islam should detest these mischief-making groups. They should defend the eminent clergy and also avoid discord and disagreements. They must be alert in neutralizing the machinations of the enemy. I request the dignified clergy to show fatherly affection to the youth. And it is up to the youth to protect the dignified clergy, diligently.
Finally, I find it necessary to point out to the respected writers and thinkers that they should earnestly desist from commenting on and interpreting the Qur'an and Islamic precepts. I also request all the people (may God assist them) to block the path of the enemies of Islam, who are also the enemies of humanity, by maintaining their unity. I beseech God Almighty- Exalted is His Magnificence- to uproot the foreigners and their evil hirelings from Islamic lands and this country of the Prophet's Household." He is the supreme authority". My salutations to the dignified clergy and all the believers, may God assist them.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Sha`ban 1397 AH
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه