شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Najaf, Iraq
The state of the seminaries
Murtada Mutahhari, Tehran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۴۰ تا صفحه ۳۴۱
In His Most Exalted Name
After extending my greetings and best wishes to you, I would like to say that I have received your esteemed letter and that I pray for your honor's health and prosperity. Most of the topics that have been mentioned were and are under consideration. It is hoped that the efforts to prevent mischief will meet with success. As you are far away from the Qum Seminary and so are some of the other gentlemen- it being better if their services are availed of in these chaotic conditions and turmoil- these expected evils are the cause of my anxiety. The people you have mentioned cannot solve this problem if not adding to it because of the intervention of some, the likes of which have upset the youth. The case of the council and a meeting of arbiters for solving and settling the problem will also not solve any difficulty. In fact, such a meeting will not materialize. I have experience; as a matter of fact, much experience. That which tops the mischief list is the very same third case to which you have referred as threatening the seminary from within. It should be reminded, and there is no remedy except that the gentlemen who are acceptable and who, with respect to knowledge, can be provided, stay in the seminaries and take hold of the initiative. You are in a better position to select these people, and you can find people who can stay in the seminaries on all days- even if it be in turns- and gradually exert an influence on the morale of the youths.
In my recent, detailed letter, written in answer to that of the Union of Islamic Associations in Europe «2», I have explained the main problems and shown the way, pointing out the evil of this perverted conviction that the religious sciences, as also modern education, are worthless. Perhaps, opportunity arising, I will comment on this matter in a message to the Qum Seminary. But just pointing it out is not enough; these digressions must be prevented in practice. This should be accomplished by the efforts of the concerned notables including yourself.
It is hoped that the honorable gentlemen who have taken notice of the matter by the grace of God, and have changed their attitude somewhat, will be favored by the support of all the various groups, and that the disputes and differences will be eliminated or, at least, narrowed.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه