شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The future of the Islamic government of Iran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۵۴۱ تا صفحه ۵۴۲
Interviewers: BBC correspondents and those of the British commercial television in Paris
We are hopeful that the campaign of the Iranians for their rights, and the way it has burgeoned, will not require an armed uprising. However, if it becomes prolonged- what with all the opposition and disputes- and if the Shah is obstinate enough to remain in Iran, it is possible that we well reconsider the matter of an armed insurrection.
Question: [When David Pearman and I went to Paris last week Ayatullah Khomeini explained the matter further in an interview with the BBC Persian Service.]
Answer: This regime must be dismantled, and, after that, somebody chosen by a referendum must take over to run the country temporarily. A Majlis must be formed by means of general elections, and all the laws enacted by it and the issues thrashed out in it must be in accordance with the people's wishes. And the transition; it is but natural for there to be a change from an illegitimate government and monarchy to a legitimate government.
Q: [Sir, will you kindly explain what is meant by Islamic government of the Islamic Republic? Many people in Iran have stated that they wish to revert to the Constitution of Iran. Will you be kind enough to shed light on this matter?]
A: Reverting to the Constitution means reverting to the vile monarchy which is an archaic and reactionary system; so this is not possible. Those who want to do so are in a minority, whereas the whole nation is clamoring for an Islamic government. An Islamic regime and an Islamic republic are dependent on the popular vote of the people and a general referendum. Its constitution is Islamic and must conform to the laws of Islam which are the most progressive of laws. Those parts of the Constitution that conform to these progressive precepts will be retained, and those that are contrary to these lack legitimacy according to the dictates of the Constitution itself. And as most of the acts had been imposed by force, they must be annulled.
Q: [What kind of ties will you have with the West and the communist countries?]
A: Our relations with the West will be equitable; neither will we allow any oppression on their part and nor will we oppress them. Our relations will be based on mutual respect. If they act likewise and do not impose on us; if they revise their policies toward us- in fact, the East- we will have excellent relations with them as also commercial dealings. This would be according to our interests, not something that is imposed on us or is only to their own interests. With regard to the communists, as they have had malicious intent toward our country, we cannot have relations with them unless they desist from what they have been doing. The communists in Iran must return to the fold of the nation and Islam so that we behave with them equitably as well. However, if they persist in their old ways or the days of the Toudeh and commit treason against the country «1» we will adopt a different policy toward them.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه