شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Avoiding giving interviews to reporters; religious funds; the political prisoners' welfare
Sayyid Murtada Pasandideh «1»
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۶۶ تا صفحه ۲۶۷
In His Most Exalted Name
I would like to inform Your Honor of the receipt of your kind letter through Mr. Aqa Rida Wasil. May health and happiness be upon Your Honor. Here are the issues that I must inform you of which you need to deal with:
1. You had written" if referred to the parliament or parliaments," if that" referring" is concerned with me, don't even let that cross your mind, and don't approach any official concerning me, no matter what.
2. As I've heard, you give interviews to local and foreign reporters; that's totally unadvisable, because my words, if said bluntly, will definitely cause you problems, at least exile, and this shouldn't happen, and if stated as others do, it would raise the criticism of friends and other fronts. Your Honor, do not give interviews to either local or foreign reporters.
3. Looking after some prisoners such as Mr. Dastghayb and Mr. Ha'iri Shirazi and so on, and visiting with their families is essential, as is looking after the financial needs of the families of some of the prisoners and the martyred.
4. I know Haj Shaykh `Abdul-`Ali «2» very well and he is one hundred percent trustworthy. Kindly give him the responsibility of the financial affairs, collections and grants. You are unable to handle all these affairs for your age and weariness. Others are not as reliable as he is; if you appoint him to this job, my worries about the Islamic levies would end.
5. Do not allow even single word of criticism against the jurisprudents, especially Mr. Shari`atmadari «3» in your house. Due respect must be paid to these personalities. Stop anybody from acting rudely. Such things should not be allowed in your presence at all. Your own honor should not even complain, for it will do nothing but cause mischief.
6. I have heard that you had admitted Pirasteh and had lunch with him. You don't know; such things are not good for you. Friends have started complaining. Your Honor needs to put aside your old affections toward some people now, because of the crucial situation you are in.
7. It has been said (I've just heard) that Your Honor have stated:" I approve of Dr. Amini's solution." This might be taken as though I have also approved it, which I never would, and Dr. Amini will not succeed either, and his solution is wrong, too.
8. Tell Haj Shaykh `Abdul-`Ali that he and others who were sending funds to Najaf, to stop doing so, and until further notice, take them to Qum and give them to you. They are also to inform Isfahan and Tehran. I am here «4» on temporary basis, until I find a quarter in Islamic countries, so I can continue my activities. There are some restrictions here, and numerous policemen stand guard around the house day and night for security reasons, so they claim.
Have the enclosed letter delivered by Haj Shaykh `Abdul-`Ali or someone else. Also, have the receipt delivered by Mr. Koupa'i in Isfahan. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه