شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The Shah's speech and the change of cabinet
The Shah's speech and the change of cabinet
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۱۹ تا صفحه ۳۲۰
Interviewer: American CBS television reporter
Question: [What is Your Eminence's reaction to the latest occurrence; that is, the Shah's speech and the change of cabinet?]
Answer: Changing the cabinet will not affect the public movement in Iran. Governments, whether military or any other kind, are not capable of solving the problems, i.e. they cannot break down this uprising originated from the people. Also, the Shah's words are of the type that people will no longer believe. He said the same things and gave the same commitments, and took the oath at the beginning of his kingship as he did now, and he violated them. Now, these commitments will do him no good. He must leave without bothering himself anymore, so the people will decide what to do to the country. «1»
Q: [How do you want to overthrow the Shah? By armed combat or by bringing the army on the people's side? How?]
A: We hope there won't be a need for armed combat, and these strikes, demonstrations and the people's display of their disgust will do the job. And we expect that the army, which is from the people and the people are their brothers, does not turn its back on the people and moves to their side. However, if this type of combat does not work, and we were forced to change course, we then may think things over.
Q: [What will you do to the Shah? Will he be sent to exile or must he be put on trial?]
A: If the Shah escapes, then there won't be anything we can do, but if we arrest him, we will treat him according to the Islamic government laws and commands. If he has committed murder, he shall be punished, and if he has ordered [someone to] be murdered, he will be sentenced to life. In any case, his rule must be brought to an end and he must be put on trial for his betrayals and crimes.
Q: [What is your proposed government and who will run it?]
A: About the kind of government and regime, our suggestion will be an Islamic republic, and since the people are Muslims and they trust us as their servants, therefore I guess they will accept our proposition. We will form an Islamic republic by holding a referendum. But about the person, it depends on the people's votes, and we don't have anyone in mind yet.
Q: [How will the relations be between an Islamic government and the American government in the future?]
A: We must see what role America will play in the future. If America intends to treat people the way it does right now, our reaction will be hostile. And if the American government treats the Iranian government with respect, then we will mutually have respect for them, and will treat them fairly, so we won't oppress them, nor will we be oppressed by them, and that way, there will not be any problems.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه