شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Victory of the Iranians, a model for the oppressed nations
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۳۲۱

 Interviewer: Touima (?) Greek newspaper reporter
Question: [The great nation of Iran has stepped toward the final battle for freeing itself away from Pahlavi dynasty, and building a modern future. Do you believe this struggle is now coming close to victory? In that case, what facts are your beliefs based on?]
Answer: Yes, we do believe that our nation's battle is coming close to victory. Today, the Shah and the monarchial system are shakier than ever. The Shah has consented to all kinds of retreats just in order to save his and his family's rule, but our people have shown their definite opposition against the current regime by staging continuous multi-million mass demonstrations and giving thousands of lives. Our nation has risen up and will be victorious.
Q: [In your opinion, what are the foreign interferences that have the intention of taking away freedom and independence?]
A: The foreign diplomacies of America, Britain, Russia, China, and others support the Shah's corrupt regime and his crimes, and have destroyed our economy, made our army dependent and our culture immoral. But, our nation will put an end to these foreign interferences by its uprising.
Q: [How do you see the positions and standings of the new stage of the people's struggles in comparison to the battles of the era of Dr. Musaddiq's government?]
A: Iran's current struggle is a totally Islamic move in the direction of complete change of the monarchial system, and the establishment of Islamic republic.
Q: [What will be the future effects of the victory of the Iranian people on the Middle East?]
A: The victory of the Iranian Muslim nation will undoubtedly set a good example for the world's oppressed nations, particularly the Middle Eastern nations, for it shows how a nation could defeat a major power by relying on an Islamic revolutionary ideology.

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