شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The future of the Pahlavi dynasty
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۶۳ تا صفحه ۳۶۴
Interviewer: A reporter of the Channel 3 (ARD) German TV
Question: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, what are the terms you consider acceptable for a government? And also, what are your plans to divert the Iranian society from the existing situation to your own desired society? And how do you anticipate the future of the Pahlavi dynasty?]
Answer: Concerning the Pahlavi dynasty, basically, we will not accept any terms under the Shah's rule or the transfer of his power to any other government in his dynasty. After the collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty, a progressive Islamic republic will come to power, and in that system, the destiny of Iran will be determined, and by relying on the people, the government will be appointed.
Q: [Foreign critics believe and declare that, if you influence Iran's political affairs, the progress made in the area of social modernization will be all ruined. If this is not true, please express your opinion.]
A: There has not yet been any progress made in Iran. What has so far been done may look like progress, but in fact is nothing but destruction. If the people take over the government, they will work hard for their own interests, then, God willing, progress will quickly be made.
Q: [In case serious changes occur in Iran, what would be the consequences for the Western European countries, West Germany in particular, especially in the area of oil?]
A: It wouldn't bring about any bad results. We will have mutual respect for those governments having respect for us. And once the oil is under our control, and no one else is interfering in the affairs, we will then sell it to our customers, and spend the money earned on our own people.
Q: [What will you do to the Americans already in your country? Also, aren't you worried about the influence of the Soviets in your country?]
A: We won't tolerate those Americans whose presence in Iran is harmful to us. But, those who cause no harm, like all the other foreigners, would remain.
We are not afraid of the influence of the Soviets at all, for our society wouldn't allow them to have any such influence.
Q: [What is your opinion of the country's general conditions and the new military government?]
A: The new military government with the Shah's speech «1» was on one hand, to swindle the people, and on the other hand, to suppress them. Neither that swindling nor this suppression will have any effect. All the people have stood up and are demanding their legitimate right. And this uprising would go on until the people achieve their right and overthrow this dynasty.
Q: [What are your plans and decisions for the toppling down of the present monarchy?]
A: For the time being, continuation of the strikes, demonstrations and making the strikes as wide as possible is our concern. If there is no progress, our idea will change according to the circumstances.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه