شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The 1906 constitutional law; the Shah's false propaganda; the future of the Revolution
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۰۶ تا صفحه ۴۰۹

 Interviewers: Reporters from Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc.
Question: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, please give some explanations on that part of the 1906 constitutional law which you think must change in order for the Islamic republic to be established.]
Answer: The constitutional law has gone through two phases:
1. The phase before Rida Khan's coup d'etat: In that period, the circumstances did not allow Iranians and Muslims to make a program for the Islamic government. Therefore, in order to reduce the oppression and dictatorship of the Qajars and those before them, it was decided that the laws were to be drawn up, and the kingship be changed to constitutional monarchy. However, these matters were foreseen in the laws. All the issues to which we are now referring to can be supported by the supplementary constitutional law. This was one phase of the constitutional law.
2. This was the phase that occurred after Rida Shah's coup d'etat and added to the constitutional law. During that time, Rida Shah pulled off a coup d'etat, which faced complications and finally caused him to change the constitutional law by the force of bayonets and bullying, and he established a constituent assembly by using force, and the nation did not in any way agree with him. In a parliament in which the people played no role, he changed some articles of the constitutional law, ended the Qajar's reign and ratified the Pahlavi monarchy. Therefore, the constitutional law in phase one, along with its supplement, can support the issues we have just raised. In phase two, the reign of Rida Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty was totally illegitimate, and this dynasty was imposed on the people in violation of the constitutional law. Rida Shah was imposed on us by the British, and later, when the Allies came to Iran, they imposed Muhammad Rida Shah.
Q: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, in your own plans, in order to solve the economic problems, you have reportedly said that you intend to shut down the banks. Would it be possible to close the banks in a situation like this, and in this economic period?]
A: This is not at all true. So, your question is irrelevant.
Q: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, the Shah has recently been favorable toward some of his opponents. Why did you reject the Shah's agreement? It has also been said that you've had some meetings with Mr. Bazargan and Dr. Sanjabi here, and have entered some negotiations. What were the outcomes of these negotiations?]
A: As to what the Shah always proposes and displays in various guises, they are all for misleading people. The Iranian nation, who is now grown and has experienced all kinds of betrayals and crimes in the past fifty years, won't fall for any trick. The reason why we didn't accept it, is because the nation doesn't accept, and because these are all tricks. The Shah wants to first save his throne, and then after a while, act even worse than he did before. And about negotiations with Mr. Bazargan and Mr. Sanjabi, yes they came and I told them about Iran's issues and the nation's interests, and they didn't disagree.
Q: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, the religious minorities like the Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians have lately been anxious and uncomfortable. What do you think about their future status under an Islamic government, particularly, because in Western countries, such treatments of minorities are considered as some sort of discrimination?]
A: All the issues recently raised are the Shah's propaganda against this movement. Islam has respect for these minorities. It is the Shah who wants to stain our movement by releasing such statements. The West should know that Islam treats the religious minorities with great respect. I have said many times that they are performing their rituals in Iran freely, and we are obliged to protect them.
Q: [What is Your Eminence Ayatullah's opinion about the new military cabinet, the arrest of the former Prime Minister Hoveyda, as well as the decision made and pronounced by Prime Minister Azhari, regarding the possessions of the Pahlavi dynasty?]
A: These are all false pretenses and none of them is valid or true. Hoveyda was one of the Shah's partners, and a weak one, having a hand in the Shah's deceitful acts. Apparently, the Shah has arrested Hoveyda in order to save himself. The intention is to deceive people into believing that he is carrying out reforms. As to the issue of the Pahlavi dynasty's possessions, and that they plan to make modifications, it is nothing but a trick. They must first interrogate the Shah himself, and then put him on trial for all the money he has taken out of Iran, and deposited in foreign banks, and then get to his relatives. The crimes that he and his family have committed are out of control, and they intend to do nothing about it either. They want to mislead the people. But the military government, which is the other face of the Shah- his bullying face- has also intensified, and is still intensifying the movement and the people's uneasiness. The same report has been received from Iran, too.
Q: [Does Your Eminence Ayatullah intend to take a place at the head of the government and assume official responsibilities in the new government after the victory of the Revolution and returning home, or you don't?]
A: No, we have the responsibility of guiding. There will be no involvement in other affairs.
Q: [In Your Eminence Ayatullah's opinion, what needs to be changed in Iran, and what are your political plans?]
A: All of what Muhammad Rida has ruined must be renovated. Every damaging contract to the nation holds no weight with the people. Our political plan is to first achieve freedom, true democracy, independence in the true sense of the word, and cutting off the hands of the governments who have taken possession of the country.
Q: [Your Eminence Ayatullah, how would you evaluate the diplomacy you would be adopting toward the German government? Do you think the existing diplomacy between Iran and Germany would change?]
A: Germany is like any other country, and if there are any contracts with Germany that are damaging to our nation, they will be invalid. And we would treat Germany and other countries with mutual respect, and will not let them oppress us, as we will oppress them.
Q: [They insist on knowing what you would do to the fourteen thousand Germans said to be in Iran?]
A: If they engage in their own regular work in the interest of Iran while serving the government, they will be allowed to remain in Iran.
Q: [Your Eminence Ayatullah has stated that the future system of Iran would be an Islamic republic. In this republic, what would be the role of other non-Islamic political parties opposing the Shah?]
A: The parties would be free to participate in their activities as long as they are not detrimental (to Iran).
Q: [ How do you see the effects of a successfully established Islamic republic in Iran on Muslims in the Soviet-Russian regions? Doesn't Your Eminence believe that the reason why the Russians oppose the Islamic movement is because they are afraid that a successful movement in Iran would affect the Muslim regions? ]
A: Its effects can't be quite predicted. However, the Soviets' opposition to our movement, and their supporting of the Shah, is because they want to have influence in Iran, and to interfere in our internal affairs. The Islamic government would not give such permission to them or any other country.
Q: [In Your Eminence's opinion, what would be the role and future of the army if the struggles persist? Does Your Eminence think the movement would succeed by continuing these methods of confrontation, or is there a chance that you may have to take other measures?]
A: We hope that our movement will succeed by continuing the ongoing method. We also hope that the army will wake up and join the nation, and if we lose hope, we might then review our movement's course of action.

سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه