شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The issues of women and foreign policies in Iran's future system
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۱۷ تا صفحه ۴۱۸
Interviewer: A reporter of Al-Qawm Al-`Arabi magazine
Question: [Is the Iranian movement politically organized?]
Answer: This movement has arisen from the heart of the nation and the nature of the people, and does not rely on a certain person or persons, and enjoys a strong spirit and a political organization, familiar with the understandings of the Iranian society. And this factor itself assures the replacement of the Shah's regime with a powerful political organization.
Q: [Have the outcomes of the contacts that the opposition leaders have made with you, been positive or negative?]
A: The Iranian nation has already announced its demands which are overthrowing the Shah, removing the monarchy and establishing an Islamic government. And I have suggested the establishment of an Islamic republic to the Iranian nation, which we would put to the vote of the people after the fall of the Shah, and no person or group can oppose the will of the nation, for he would be doomed to destruction. And the opposition leaders have also agreed with what I've said.
Q: [What does women's active involvement in the revolution mean?]
A: The Shah's prisons are crammed with lionhearted and courageous women. In street demonstrations, our women have held their children close to their chests and have come to the arena without any fear of tanks, cannons and machine guns. The political meetings held by women in various cities of the country are not few. They've played a very valuable role in our struggles. The brave mothers of Islam's children have kept alive the memory of the heroic women's self-sacrifices and bravery throughout the history. In what era or what country can you find such women?
Q: [What is your position concerning Arabs?]
A: We extend our hands toward those Arab countries who are continuing their fights against Israel, and have always been in support of them against Israel. We hope that the Arab nations will support the struggles of the Iranian nation.
Q: [With which powers would you possibly cooperate, after the removal of the regime?]
A: We would cooperate with the countries who now make clear their positions regarding the Shah.
Q: [What rights would the religious minorities have in the Islamic republic?]
A: All religious minorities of Iran would be free to perform their religious and social activities, and the Islamic republic views it as its duty to protect their rights and safety; they, like the Muslims of Iran, are Iranians and respectable.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه