شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Iran's political future, oil, and the future leader of the Islamic Republic
A reporter of a Danish newspaper
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۱۹ تا صفحه ۱۲۰
Question: [What are your political views and demands in today's Iran?]
Answer: We believe that the hands of the traitors should be cut off from this country and its income should be disbursed for the needy, the poor and the interests of the country. We believe that the tyrannical Pahlavi regime should be eliminated and we should set up a system based on justice and true democracy that safeguards its freedom and independence.
Q: [How do you foresee the future perspective of Iran?]
A: We hope that the people's uprising leads to what they want, that is, an Islamic government; we know that in the future under the Islamic government, the interests of the nation will be safeguarded and it will bring about freedom and independence for the nation and the country.
Q: [Your Eminence, there are some discussions about your stance on the communists and Marxists; what is your stance on them?]
A: Our plan in the Islamic government will be based on monotheism; they are against this belief and ideology. Therefore we cannot move in the same direction with them.
Q: [Is Your Eminence of the view that the oil resources of the country should be kept intact for the future generations? If this is so, does it mean that you are interested in stopping the export of your oil?]
A: No. We will not stop the export of oil and the present generation needs the oil income. What we are opposed to and what we will stop are the transgressions thus far committed against us, either with regard to oil and its income, or regarding the other issues. We will stop those excessive measures; otherwise, we will sell the oil and procure foreign exchange. The management of the oil and its revenues will be ours.
Q: [Your Eminence, Ayatullah, how do you foresee the future of Iran between the Eastern bloc, that is, Soviet Union, and the West?]
A: The Iranian nation will not allow any nation to interfere in its internal affairs; it will preserve its freedom and independence and will interact with all other countries on the basis of mutual respect.
Q: [ Your Eminence, Ayatullah, we always respects the elderly. How do you foresee your own role in the future government of Iran? Who should lead your future government?]
A: We have competent people to govern and will introduce them in the near future. It is said that there will be a vacuum, if the Shah leaves; it is not true. Of course, I don't aim to directly interfere in the affairs. When the government has been established, I will have the position of its guide.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه