شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Return to Iran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۳۶ تا صفحه ۱۳۸
Interviewer: A reporter of the French magazine, al-Iqtisad al-`Arabi and the Middle East News Bulletin
Question: [In an interview with the Agence France-Presse, you had said that a revolutionary government must be set up with the collapse of the Shah in Iran and added that you will not return to Iran before the Shah's collapse. It seems that due to Shah's talks with such people Mr. Karim Sanjabi as well the US pressures on the Shah, it is possible that he leaves Iran and a transition government, consisting of the very people who are ready to compromise, will be set up. Under such circumstances, will you accept such a government as the transitional government and go back to Iran?]
Answer: The first item of our demands, which is also demanded by the people, is the dismissal of the Shah, but the problem is not the person of the Shah. We strongly reject any government which is not of the people or relies on the same power that brought the Shah to power and protected him or relies on any other power. We will treat him in the same manner that we treated the Shah. My return to Iran or my stay abroad depends on where I can render better services to my nation.
Q: [You have said that all those who oppose the Constitution and support free elections as opportunists should be dismissed from their positions. Does it mean that the present Constitution does not have any validity in your opinion? If it is so, what kind of constitution should be prepared for running the affairs of the country?]
A: The Shah and his clique, who talk of the constitution, without any doubt do not have any respect for the constitution, for during the past fifty years they have trampled on it. In fact, they say so in order to protect the monarchy and the person of the Shah through this trick. And due to this very plot, I have frequently reminded the people and the leaders of the nation not to talk of the constitution, for unknowingly they are caught in Shah's plots and in my opinion the present constitution is not valid without the necessary amendments.
Q: [In one of your statements, you have asked the workers to continue their strike irrespective of the regime's promises. One of the demands of these strikes is the establishment of free trade unions. What is your opinion about such trade unions? If you agree with their establishments, what will be their role and significance within the framework of your proposed Islamic Republic?]
A: The committed, disinherited workers of Iran, who are mainly the former poor, hungry peasants and farmers, have every right to struggle through any possible legitimate means to achieve their due rights. They will be allowed in the Islamic Republic to form any platform to resolve their problems and difficulties and consequently inform the government of their problems and defend their professional rights.
Q: [What is your opinion about the activities of the leftist parties within the framework of the government of the Islamic Republic without relying on any foreign power?]
A: Every citizen will enjoy the right to freedom of faith and expression in the Islamic Republic, but we will not allow any treachery by any individual or group who are dependent on foreign powers.
Q: [What is your idea about the struggle of the Palestinian people? Given that about half of the Israeli oil requirements are supplied by Iran, what measures should be taken in this regard?]
A: One of the reasons of the uprising of the Iranian people is the Shah's unconditional support for the usurper Israel. The Shah supplies oil to Israel. He has turned Iran into a consumption market for the Israeli goods and renders other spiritual supports to it. He condemns Israel only to deceive the world public opinion. Neither the Iranian Muslim nation, nor any other Muslim nor any freeman would recognize Israel, and we will always remain a supporter of our Palestinian and Arab brothers.
Q: [In your messages you have frequently condemned the role of the United States, Soviet Union, Britain and China in the international arena. What is your opinion about the sale of Iranian gas and oil to these countries and some of their allies such as South Africa? Overall, what is your plan for the management of the oil industry?]
A: I have always told the Iranian nation not to be deceived by the false propaganda. The United States and Britain, who speak of civilization and progress, and also the Soviet Union and China, who talk of revolution and support for the revolutionaries, are each in one way or another cooperating with the Shah- the professional criminal; the same Shah, who supports any tyrant or criminal in any part of the world. The Iranian nation has decided to continue its struggle in order get rid of the clutches of these cannibals and regulate its relations on the basis of this independence. And about oil, who dares to command us that we should always plunder our oil generously, supply it to others and not use it ourselves? We will not supply our oil to the enemies of humanity and mankind.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه