شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Reasons for opposing the Shah; foreign policy and the role of the army in the Islamic Republic
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۵۱ تا صفحه ۲۵۲
Interviewer: A reporter of the American Time magazine
Question: [Your Eminence, some people say that because of your personal animosity with the Shah, you are not ready to negotiate with him to reach an agreement. Is it correct?]
Answer: This is what the Shah has said and has no base. I have no personal animosity with anybody.
Q: [Your Eminence, politics means exploring the possible solutions. As I understand, your stance is that no negotiation is possible with the current regime, for this regime is illegal. In your opinion, what is the reason for your unwillingness and that of your followers to negotiate with the Shah to find a political solution to the current crisis to avoid chaos?]
A: The reason is that we consider the Shah responsible for the chaos. Therefore, the Shah does not want to find a solution. The Shah wants to find an outlet to this impasse to gain power. Hence, negotiation with the Shah does not make sense.
Q: [Your Eminence, you have said that you are not interested in political power or in participating in the new government. Therefore, in case the Shah leaves, what kind of government do you think will be established in Iran? Will it be a parliamentary government with a prime minister, or will it have some other form? Would you please give more explanation?]
A: The government, that is, the Islamic Republic, will be based on the people's votes. In the republican system, the Parliament will be formed and then the Parliament will determine the kind of republic and its related details.
Q: [Who are the people of your choice to run the Islamic republic?]
A: They are the people whom I should not introduce now.
Q: [What will be the role of the army in your intended republic? What role will the army play?]
A: There will be an army in the Islamic Republic, but it will not be dependent and its size will be in accordance to the requirements of the country. Those who are not competent and only abuse the army uniform will be purged, they are redundant, but the army will be there.
Q: [What will be your general foreign policy in the Islamic Republic?]
A: Our Islamic Republic will have good relations with all the countries and believes in the principle of mutual respect, if others too abide by this principle.
Q: [Do you foresee a neutral role for the Islamic Republic, or will it be inclined toward the Western camp?]
A: No. It will not join any camp and will preserve its neutrality.
Q: [The fear that exists in most of the Western countries is that in case of the establishment of the Islamic Republic, Iran will fall to the Soviet Union and will be dominated by Soviets. Is this concern irrelevant in your opinion?]
A: Iran will never fall to the Soviets. The same people, who have expelled the Americans with their Islamic force and zeal, will also never allow the Soviet Union or any other alien to establish its influence in Iran. These are Shah's propaganda.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه