شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Iran's situation in 1979; foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۹۷ تا صفحه ۲۹۹
Interviewer: A reporter of the Beirut-based Lebanese English-language weekly
Q: [How do you predict Iran's situation in 1979?]
A: What is quite certain is the fact that the situation in Iran will not become quiet, except by the overthrow of the Shah's government, elimination of the monarchical regime and the establishment of an Islamic government. Today, despite the hellish military power of the Shah, it is the Iranian nation who has the power in their hands, and for the same reason, they have always made the Iranian ruling regime and its supporters withdraw step by step. And by the grace of the Almighty God, they will witness more glorious victories during the next months.
Q: [In your opinion, under what circumstances a compromise with the Shah will become probable? For example, would you accept that through an amendment to the Constitution, Shah remains the head of the state as a symbol, like the kind in the United Kingdom?]
A: First of all, compromising with a criminal figure like Shah is a betrayal to Islam and the Iranian nation. Secondly, in the Tasou`a and `Ashoura referendum, the Iranians almost unanimously condemned the Shah and his monarchical system and called for the establishment of an Islamic Republic. Therefore, no one has any right to compromise with the ousted Shah, or to accept the principles of monarchy, no matter if Muhammad Rida Pahlavi holds the position or someone else. And for the same reason, since the Constitution recognizes monarchy as the political system of Iran and the Iranian nation is against monarchical system, therefore, the Constitution is invalid and a new constitution should be written.
Q: [Would you accept Shah's abdication in favor of his son?]
A: No one from the Pahlavi dynasty is accepted by the nation. They cannot interfere in Iran's affairs, neither as a king, nor in any other governmental position.
Q: [Do you think that these incidents in Iran will spill over to Turkey?]
A: Iran's holy movement is an Islamic movement, and therefore, there is no wonder if all the Muslims in the world are influenced by it.
Q: [Which country, in your opinion, will help you in your struggle to overthrow the Shah?]
A: The Iranian nation, with its strong will, has risen just relying on God, and is not dependent on any government; and will overthrow the Shah and maintain its independence, God willing. But the duty of the Islamic governments in the first place, and the other countries that intend to have friendly relations with Iran, is to help the oppressed and heroic Iranian nation in attaining their objectives. But no country has yet defended the Iranian nation.
Q: [How would you, as the leader of the opposition, describe your current relations with the following figures and governments: (1) Carter administration; (2) Russian government; (3) Chinese government; (4) Iraqi government; (5) Oil-producing Arab countries; (6) Sadat; (7) Israel; and (8) Yasir `Arafat and the Palestinian movement?]
A: The US president with his all-out supports for the Shah and his many insulting remarks when referring to the Iranian nation is now among the enemies of Iran. The Soviet Union, although not as much as the US, has not only refrained from condemning the Shah to date, but has supported him and has not refrained from distorting Iran's holy Islamic movement. The Chinese head of state shamelessly passed through the dead bodies of our people and praised the Shah for his progressive measures at his palace. «1» Under the pressure of the Shah, the Iraqi government will prohibit any kind of activity in its territory that is in the interests of the Iranian nation. And about Sadat, I should say that he is ostracized by the Islamic and Arab world for many measures he has taken against the interests of the Muslims, the Arab countries and the Palestinians. According to Islam, the Muslims and all international norms Israel is considered an invader and occupier and we will not spare any effort and will miss no opportunity to put an end to its invasions. And in different appropriate opportunities, I have supported the measures taken by Yasir `Arafat in restoring the rights and territories of the Palestinians.
Q: [Would you support a non-military government headed by Karim Sanjabi, «2» as the premier, in order to solve the current crisis in Iran?]
A: No solution is acceptable as long as the Shah is in power.
Q: [Is your invitation to strike in the oil industry indefinite or is it until the Shah leaves Iran?]
A: Till the Shah relinquishes power. Shah gave our oil to the US without any license in order to strengthen his position and bought US-made weapons that were of no use to the Iranian nation. Actually, thus far oil has been the mainstay of the Shah's government. I have ordered to stop the export of oil and this strike will continue till the Shah leaves Iran. Then we will sell our oil to any country we wish.
Q: [Under which circumstances- if this proposition is logical in your opinion- will the Shah's army fight against him?]
A: Currently, according to the reports, the opposition of the soldiers and officers with the Shah and their disobedience of the commands of the commanders are increasing every day. Many of them have killed their commanders and those who have remained in the army do not at all agree with the Shah's massacre. And naturally the Shah will lose the hopes he had pinned on the army.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه