شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Possibility of attaining freedom and the future of the movement
A French writer
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۰۰ تا صفحه ۳۰۱
[French writer: I am a combatant French writer and have fought against Fascism, colonialism and imperialism for several years. I have always been with the oppressed people, and have supported them. I have studied all the revolutions in the world, particularly the French Revolution. I have come to the conclusion that any revolution that goes half of the way and fails to continue its way is doomed to death. I respect you very much, and the reason for my deep respect for you is your persistence in your struggle against the Shah. I believe that this struggle should be continued without any compromise. This is the reason for my respect for you. But I have two questions to ask you. Considering the fact that the US, China and the Soviet Union that support the Shah, have all besieged Iran, do you think that there is any hope for Iran's freedom from all these superpowers?]
Imam: We rely on the nation and its power. No one can misguide a nation who has started a movement. And no power can suppress a nation. Of course these powers can attack and massacre the people, but they cannot mislead or divert a nation from its will. And our nation has reached a point in which all the people have risen against the oppression and against this regime. The superpowers cannot suppress this uprising. Moreover, the Iranian nation is calling for something, about which all the peoples in the world are unanimous; that is, freedom and independence. The superpowers cannot impose their own wills on the emotions of all the peoples in the world. We hope that as we are right and as the entire nation has risen against the regime, we will overcome all the superpowers.
[French writer: Ayatullah, you are a religious power. While you and we are hoping that the Shah's regime will be overthrown, how would it be possible for you, as a religious leader, or your followers to succeed the Shah's regime with a political power?]
Imam: I and my cleric associates do not intend to succeed the current regime, but we do have some people in Iran and foreign countries who are efficient thinkers and scientists in all fields and we intend to make them the successors of the regime. Those who are in Iran or abroad can rule over the country provided that they are on the side of the nation. Therefore, there would be no problem in this regard.
[French writer: Thank you so much for granting me the permission for such a meeting and dialogue.]
Imam: I do also thank you. And I hope that a writer such as you, having studied the revolutions of the world, particularly the French Revolution, through using your pen and writing ability will help the oppressed nation of Iran, who are after the vindication of their rights by their revolution. Please pray to God for the victory of the Iranian nation.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه