شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Illegality of the Bakhtiyar government
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۷۱ تا صفحه ۳۷۲
Interviewer: A reporter of the French Channel 2 Television
Question: [It seems that your victory is close; Do you think that the Shah will leave soon? When will he leave? If you catch hold of him within the jurisdiction of you power, what will you do with him?]
Answer: God willing, it will be close. Although his leaving is definite, I do not know when he will leave. If we arrest him, we will try him for the crimes he has committed.
Q: [Who will rule, after the Shah has left? You? Or, will you participate in any government?]
A: No. I will not be there. We will appoint a council by which the Parliament will be established and then the Parliament through reliance on the nation will make arrangements for the rest of the tasks to be accomplished.
Q: [You are determined to set up an Islamic Republic. Will this republic be enough for the government?]
A: The Islamic Republic is like other republics, but its content is the Islamic law. We will establish a government and it will be enough for all the affairs.
Q: [In the field of foreign policy, what will be your stance vis-a-vis such countries as the United States, Soviet Union, and Israel?]
A: We will not have any relations with Israel because it is a usurper and is at war with the Muslims. But if the United States and Soviet Union do not interfere in our internal affairs, and establish good ties with us, we will have relations with them.
Q: [By good relations, do you mean that you will also sell oil?]
A: We will also sell oil and receive money, foreign exchange.
Q: [You have not accepted the Bakhtiyar government at all. What was the reason?]
A: The Bakhtiyar government is illegal, for the Shah and the two houses of the Parliament are illegal. The Shah is illegal because of the referendum of the nation on Tasou`a and `Ashoura; the two houses of Parliament are illegal because they do not rely on the nation and it was a parliament whose members were appointed by the Shah.
Q: [Will you return to Iran soon?]
A: It depends on where I can render more services to the Iranian nation. If I realize that I can render best of services in the worst spot of the world, I will not hesitate a moment.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه