شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Plots to attack the people on the bogus accusation of being a member of the SAVAK «1»
The Iranian nation
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۹۲ تا صفحه ۳۹۳
In the Name of God, the Compassionate the Merciful
Greetings and salutations to the Iranian nation, may the Almighty Allah assist them:
Some reports received from Iran indicate that a dangerous plot is underway. It is said that some unsigned statements are being circulated in Tehran and other cities, threatening many people to death on the charge of being a member of the SAVAK (secret police) or being an agent of the Shah; they have also set many houses ablaze under the same pretext and affronted and harassed the wives and children of the owners. As I have been informed by some sources in Iran, some measures are taken which are against Islam and justice and are in contravention with the religious laws, indicating that some dirty hands are at work in order to level charges against the sacred Islamic movement through chaos and anarchy or by the creation of horror and terror and God forbid defeat the movement. The honorable nation of Iran must bear in mind that the sacred religion of Islam respects the lives and properties of human beings and considers any encroachment upon them a great sin. And those who commit such crimes and terrify the people seemingly belong to the pervert factions that are trying to preserve the Shah under anarchy or want to destroy the country by a military coup.
The Muslim people of Iran do not resort to such inhumane measures in their righteous struggle and are religiously duty-bound not to pay any attention to the unsigned statements that call for murder and plunder and should stop those who want to attack the people's houses or set them ablaze, for it seems that a plot is underway that must be stopped.
The honorable Iranian people in Tehran and other cities and villages should continue their demonstrations, rallies and strikes to thwart this plot with the ouster of the Shah.
The honorable `ulama' of Iran are requested to illuminate the people with their statements and inform them of their religious duties. The trial of the criminals and offenders, after they are proved guilty, will be the duty of the qualified tribunals, not the ordinary people. I beseech the Almighty God to cut off the hands of the criminals. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه