شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The future policy of the Islamic system in Iran towards India and other governments and nations
A delegation representing the Indian government
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۷۷ تا صفحه ۴۷۹
In His Most Exalted Name
[Mr. Mahta Ashok, a member of the Janata Party of India and member of the central committee of the ruling party of India, accompanied by two staff members of the Indian Embassy in Paris, went to Paris as representatives of the Indian prime minister and foreign minister to meet Imam Khomeini: ... First of all on behalf of the Indian people we extend our congratulation and admiration of the struggles of the Iranian nation for eliminating the dictatorship and establishment of democracy in Iran, for our struggles in India like those in Iran were peaceful and accompanied by public disobedience which is the best method for establishing the people's power. Recently our prime minister too tried to establish a dictatorship, but many people landed in prison until we put an end to it. We are also happy to hear that the democratic Iran has adopted a non-aligned policy. India's policy from the very beginning was based on neutrality. Hence it is important that Iran too is joining the Non-aligned Movement. Iran and India have been close to each other for centuries. There are very few examples of such close relations between two nations in the world. It is important that we are close to each other. We should join forces for the construction of our countries and the establishment of democracy and maintenance of neutrality and peace; we can cooperate with each other to materialize these objectives.]
Imam: I reciprocally thank the Indian citizens and government for their sympathy with and attention to the humane efforts which are going on in Iran.
The Iranian nation has had many problems during the monarchical history. During the fifty-year role of the Pahlavi dynasty many calamities were inflicted on the nation who did not enjoy any freedom and faced all sorts of crimes and betrayals. This father and son have committed so many treacheries against our nation and the country that their compensation is not possible in the near future; attempts to compensate must continue forever.
The compensation of the ruinations and crimes needs a long time. And we expect the freedom-loving countries and nations to assist us and pay attention to the government which is to be established shortly. I hope that the great government of India be among the first to recognize our government, for the problems of our country had been similar to those of the Indian people and the way we have walked is the same as that of Gandhi and the great men of India who cut the criminal hand of the aliens off their country. We hope to establish an Islamic estate which maintains fine relations with all of the free and democratic countries and hope that our nation will be at brotherly terms with all the other nations. Of course, we will continue with our neutral stance and will not let any of the superpowers interfere in our country. I ask the Great God for the well-being of all nations.
[Indian government representative: We are most obliged. I wish to assure your honor that you and your people, who seek democracy, enjoy all our support. Our policy is active neutrality and staying clear of other countries' affairs; but that does not mean that we would not express our support. We do support Iran. There are thousands of Iranian students studying in India; we extend them our assistance. We assure you that we will cooperate with you to realize your good aspirations- collaboration for setting up friendship and familiarity between the two nations, towards the interests of the regional states and global peace.]
Imam: I am grateful for all your good intentions. Since what we have articulated and Iranian nation has risen up for is humanistic, any one who has essentially maintained his humanness will approve of it. It is regret that the Pakistani government has imprisoned some of its citizens because of their support for Iranian nation; I denounce this action by the Pakistani government and expect the governments who respect the freedom of nations to condemn it too. I am grateful for the support of Indian government for the Iranian students and its care for their well-being. I wish happiness for all nations.
[Indian government representative: I would like to remind Your Highness that Indian relations with the monarchial regime have been within the framework of economical cooperation. Political relations have been generally limited to mutual respect, but we did not have any policies in common. I hope that in the new Iran, which is being born, it will be possible to continue with and to expand the economical cooperation. On political grounds, we are happy that India and Iran follow the same agenda. The international circumstances are much complicated. Many new states have been found, causing many changes- some favorable and some not. For all this, as far as India is concerned, my country welcomes a democratic Iran and extends its hands for cooperation, friendship and unity for joint efforts.]
Imam: Thank you for all the compassion. By the same token, we extend our hand towards the Indian nation and government. We shake their hands and set up strong political relations. Economical relations will hold according to the expedience of the two nations. I ask the Great God for the success of all nations.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه