شناسه مطلب صحیفه
`Alawi School, Tehran
Massive gathering in support of the provisional government; an ultimatum
Various classes of the people
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۰۰ تا صفحه ۱۰۱
I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Public and nationwide support for the provisional government

I would like to express my gratitude to the whole nation, which has taken great pains and closed its ranks, which has suffered in resisting the machinery of oppression. I am thankful to this great gathering of the nation who have gathered in support of Engineer Mahdi Bazargan's government, which is a religious law one and is the government of the Imam of the Time (`a). All news agencies must realize that this massive gathering of the people in Iran, from the capital to the provincial towns and villages in support of the (new) government suffices as an answer to those who were and are saying that the nation itself has to say what government it wants. In what language should the nation tell them? The nation is crying aloud! It has been a long time and many years that the nation has been crying out about this issue. Today also, they are declaring their support for the Islamic government and expressing their hatred for the opposition in their cries and slogans.

An ultimatum to the last remnants of the Shah's government

It is best for the opposition to desist from committing further mistakes. It is still not late. They should return to the nation's embrace. The nation will still accept their repentance. They should desist from their obstinacy; they should not trouble the people so much. At this very moment, I have been informed that a mass slaughter has taken place in Gorgan and some other places. Why are these acts being perpetrated? Who are these club-wielders in whom Muhammad Rida would seek refuge, and under whose shelter you are now living? Which organization do they belong to? Why are they doing this to the nation? Why are they shedding so much blood? Why are they being so obstinate toward the people? We wish to have peace in the country. We want the good of the nation. We want to have an independent military force: one that is allied to the nation and not to the foreign powers. The military should return to the nation's embrace like the numerous groups who have returned and we welcomed them with open arms. You, as well as all the governmental organs, should do likewise.

The perpetuation of the revolution and support for the provisional government

I declare that agreeing with this government, which we have set up, is everybody's religious duty, and opposition to it is unlawful to everyone. We declare that serving a taghouti government is serving the anti-God forces, serving unbelief and polytheism. You must desist from doing so. It is serving the foreign powers; you must desist from doing so. I implore God the Almighty that Iran be a free and independent country.
I want the nation perpetuate this movement, in the same way that it has done so up to now, until the time that final victory is reached. God willing, victory is nigh. The key to victory is unity of expression. Everybody must say the same thing in unison. Everybody must support each other so that victory is gained.

Observance of religious law and legal standards

Recently, I have been informed of an issue that has saddened me, and that is that jungles have been invaded by certain individuals, native to that area, and are being destroyed by them. These jungles belong to the nation, and we should not destroy them. They should be under the supervision of their guardian and the ruler. It is not permissible for anyone to trespass on them, cut down the trees and ruin them. Our brothers should advise those individuals concerned; they should prevent and prohibit them from despoiling what has remained for us after others had plundered them. Should we be the ones to destroy them? This is destruction and there must not be any destruction. As we should not beat and irritate anyone for no apparent reason, we should not be a nuisance to anyone. There are religious law and legal rules that apply to these affairs. There should not be chaos. Do not let yourself be branded as advocates of anarchy.
You people, the honorable nation of Iran have proved that you are advancing your cause with steady steps, order and firm determination, and are annihilating the satanic forces one by one. May God grant you all honor and grant me the honor to serve everyone.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه