شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Necessity of voting for Islamic republic
A group of people from Qum
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۸۷ تا صفحه ۳۸۸
[In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful]

Consolidating the Islamic republic is at the top of the agenda

Issues that are at the top of the agenda are the stabilization of the Islamic republic, ratification of a new constitution and the formation of a consultative assembly. This government has been established only for these reasons. Of course, after a firmly established government comes to power, situation will be changed, God willing. And since the government is Islamic, treacheries will be on the rise and the country's funds will be wasted. God willing, they will not be wasted anymore and we hope that with the establishment of a just Islamic government these fundamental demands will be fulfilled.
However, we certainly need time and a gradual process. Now, affairs are in such a mess that we cannot expect the government to solve the problems this soon especially at this time that tumult prevails all over the country and the economy and other aspects of the country have been destabilized. Therefore, problems existing in Qum will not be resolved this soon.

Qum: the fountainhead of knowledge and courage

I implore the Exalted and Blessed God to grant us the ability after you have voted for the Islamic republic, God willing. Also, remind your friends to vote for it, too. I hope that when the Islamic republic has been established, issues and problems will gradually be put to an end. Of course, the people of Qum have every right to expect us (to do things for them) because they were the vanguards of this movement. I have said previously that according to statements made by the Imams, knowledge spread to other places from Qum and, in like manner, bravery, too, proliferated to other places from Qum, and likewise, the movement originated from Qum.

General participation in reconstruction

Thanks God, all classes of people solved the problems with awareness and have brought the movement up to this level and I hope that from now on, you will carry on with this movement and later tasks that may arise, which are very crucial to the country's reconstruction. A country that had been abandoned after being destroyed needs to be rebuilt and this will call for the help of all classes of people. Neither the government nor some groups of people or the clergy can accomplish this task alone. Everyone must work together. As we have advanced the cause, we should make further strides together from now on. Together we will move forward, God willing.(May God) protect and endorse you and make you prosperous.
May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه