شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Expressing sorrow for the Gonbad catastrophe
Families of Gonbad martyrs
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۰ تا صفحه ۱۱
[In this visit, first a martyr's mother spoke about the atrocities in Gonbad, a summary of which is presented hereunder:
"O Imam! We have no security in Gonbad. Our chastity and possessions are in danger. I have left my 14- year-old girl in Gonbad to come to your presence. When I was about to leave her, she said:" Take me with you to see the Imam, mother. Whom do you leave me for protection? How can I defend my chastity and my life?" O leader! I am shameful to say that a mother told me while crying that those murderers raped and beheaded her daughter before her eyes."]
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Your youth were ours

O mother! It was better for me to die than to listen to these catastrophic words. O mothers and my sisters! Your youth were ours. The Commander of the Faithful, may God's peace be upon him, learning about the robbing of an anklet from a Jew's foot, said that he would better be dead than to have heard that. «1» I had better be dead than to hear these calamities. O mothers and my sisters. My brothers! Islam has had many martyrs of this kind. The Prophet (s) «2» has offered many martyrs to Islam in his wars; The Commander of the Faithful, may God's peace be upon him, lost a number of his dear companions in his wars; the Doyen of the Martyrs, may God's peace be upon him, has sacrificed himself and all of his dear family in the cause of Allah. God willing, your martyrs will be associated with these martyrs. There will be no sorrows if we offer martyrs in the cause of Islam. All of us must be martyrs in the cause of Islam. Islam is the dearest of all things. I am so deeply saddened by all the calamities and catastrophes befallen you that I cannot speak any longer.
I will reflect what you have said to the government and I am hopeful that there will be the establishment of security in that region. Join hands with your brothers, the soldiers, and the Revolutionary Guards, to repel the saboteurs. May God bestow you eternal salvation, bless your martyrs, and grant you patience. May God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه