شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Martyrdom of Mr. Murtada Mutahhari
The personality and academic position of Murtada Mutahhari «1»
The Iranian nation
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۶۱ تا صفحه ۱۶۳

 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"Verily to Allah we belong and to him we shall return."
I express my condolences and congratulations to Islam, to its exalted prophets, to the nation of Islam and in particular, to the combatant people of Iran for the sorrowful loss of the honorable martyr, thinker, philosopher, and esteemed theologian the late Haj Shaykh Murtada Mutahhari- may his soul rest in peace. Condolence on the martyrdom of a personage who spent his noble and precious life in the cause of the sacred objectives of Islam and who struggled ferociously with deviations and perversions; condolences on the martyrdom of a man who was peerless in Islamology and various Islamic studies and the glorious Qur'an studies. I have lost a very beloved son and mourn him, for he was among the personalities that were considered to be the achievement of my life. With the martyrdom of this honorable son and immortal scholar, in a blow has been dealt beloved Islam that nothing can substitute. And felicitations on the possession of these self-sacrificing personalities who spread and are spreading light with their appearance, both in this life and the here after. I congratulate the great Islam, the trainer of human beings and the Islamic nation for rearing such offspring, who with their luminous light give life to the dead and spread light in darkness. Although I have lost a beloved child who was a part of my being, I am honored that such self-sacrificing children had existed and exist in Islam. Mutahhari who was peerless in purity of soul and strength of faith and power of oratory, has departed and joined the exalted souls, but the malevolent people should know that with his departure, his Islamic, scholarly, and philosophical personality has not gone.
Terrorists cannot assassinate the humane personality of the men of Islam. They should know that by the will of the powerful God, with the departure of great individuals our nation will become more determined in its resolve to fight against immorality, tyranny, and oppression. Our nation has found its way and now will not rest until the obliteration of the decayed roots of the former regime and its evil supporters. The beloved Islam proliferated with the sacrifice and martyrdom of its most beloved ones. From the age of revelation until now, Islam has thrived on martyrdom interlaced with moral heroism. Fighting for the cause of God and the cause of the down trodden has been at the head of Islam's plans." Why do you not fight in the way of Allah and for the sake of weak men and women and children?" «2»
These people, who have tasted their defeat and death and by means of this inhuman behavior wish to take revenge or in their own wishful thinking, frighten the holy warriors of Islam are wrong in their thinking. From every strand of hair of a martyr from us; and from every drop of blood that pours to the ground, determined and combative human beings are created. Unless you assassinate the whole courageous nation, the assassination of a single individual; however, great he may be, will be of no benefit for returning to your plundering. A nation that with trust in the great God and for the resurrection of Islam, has risen, will not turn around by these desperate attempts. We are ready for sacrifice and are prepared for martyrdom in the cause of God.
I announce Thursday, May 3,1979, as a day of public mourning for paying respects to a self-sacrificing and holy warrior of the path of Islam and the nation; and I shall be in mourning on Thursday and Friday at the Faydiyyah Madrasah. I implore the Almighty God to grant blessings and forgiveness to that beloved son of Islam, and honor and glory to Islam. Salutations to the martyrs of the path of truth and freedom.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه