شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The mission of the popular media
A group of employees of Kayhan Daily
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۰۰ تا صفحه ۳۰۱
In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful

The role of newspapers

The role of newspapers in countries is to reflect the ideals of the nation. Newspapers must be like teachers who educate the country and its youth, and reflect the aspirations of the nation. In a country, in which so much bloodshed took place and so much blood was sacrificed by our nation so that an Islamic republic that had the approval of an almost unanimous majority was established, and the hands of criminals and traitors were cut off and the hands of plunderers were severed, if the newspapers again want to write something in support of the criminals and traitors, this will not be the way of our newspaper; this will be treachery. The newspapers must write what the people want and not what is against the course of the nation. Unfortunately, in some newspapers, subjects that are against the direction of the nation and against the aspirations of the society are reflected, and we have behaved nonchalantly until now. I hope that the newspapers' owners will correct their newspapers themselves.

The popular newspaper in the direction of the nation

I thank you the staff and employees of Kayhan daily newspaper who with sincere determination and with decisive resolve, blocked the individuals who wanted to go against the direction of the nation. You said that perhaps the Kayhan daily of today might not be in agreement with the wishes of the nation; the Kayhan daily of today is in fact, in agreement with the wishes of the nation. The nation prefers that newspaper, which behaves in conformity with its own opinion, behaves in conformity with the vote of the nation, is in conformity with the wishes of the nation. It does not want article pieces; it does not want story writing. It wants those subjects that conform to the course of the nation. You must seriously engage in writing on issues that are in agreement with the trend of the nation.

Conspiracy, being intolerable

Do not squander the blood of our nation. Our nation has given blood; our nation has worked hard. Returning the nation to its previous condition again with these falsities cannot be tolerated; we will not tolerate it. We will be patient to the point where there is no conspiracy, and if, God forbid, there is a conspiracy then we will not wait, we will not tolerate it. They must reform themselves. All the means of mass publicity must reform themselves, so that God forbid, they do not go in the opposite direction of the nation. They should not be under the impression that it is possible to bring back the former administration. Those issues are past and they have been buried.
May God grant success to all of you. And I thank you for coming here and meeting with me from close. I am optimistic that you will be able to manage the newspaper yourself; and print it in a manner that is desired by the nation.
May God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه