شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The importance of studying, codifying and endorsing the Constitution by the `ulama' and the Islamic intellectuals
The `ulama' and the theology students of Mashhad Seminary
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۸ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۸۳ تا صفحه ۴۸۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The real aim of the Revolution: the realization of Islam in all respects

I did not want the learned gentlemen to collect here in this hot sun, in this humble house and in this heat under the sun. I think that I had told some of the gentlemen to request you to gather in the auditorium of the Faydiyyah Madrasah so that I could meet you there. But it seems that the gentlemen later arranged for you to come here. I profusely apologize to you brothers, sisters and the distinguished `ulama' for the trouble you have been put to. You should count this hardship as one of the services rendered to the Imam of the Time (`a) and to dear Islam.
Many are the problems and issues that are bound to arise. But we have to consider each issue that comes up before it does and then take action about it. So far, we have successfully surmounted many major problems with the support of all the strata of the people, especially the distinguished clergy. Praise be to God that you and all the ranks of this great nation succeeded in rendering this great service to Islam. You also dealt a humiliating defeat to those people who had done treachery to Islam- and were to have done greater treachery- and also to those who used to assist them and were to have given greater assistance. Those people left and their treachery was put to an end, just as the plundering hands of the superpowers were also cut off. We have been successful in what we have gone through. We, however, should not be satisfied with just this. We should not be elated thinking that the matter has ended. It has not; the core issues remain. As the main thing was the movement of the clergy and the nation to replace the taghout with Islam, it was, of course, necessary that the taghout should go before anything else; and it did go. It is now the time for us to install a government of Islamic justice, a humane government, a government of the Qur'an in the place of that taghout. This is the beginning of the process. Of course, the basic task- the regime change and the installation of the Islamic Republic- has been accomplished now. That is, the regime was changed and Iran is officially an Islamic republic now with everybody recognizing Iran in this sense. But we do not just want the Islamic Republic to exist merely in name; to have been merely voted for. What is important for all of us, for you, for the whole nation and the distinguished `ulama' is that Islam take effect in all dimensions. It should be such that anybody entering the country would see the signs of Islam from the border where he entered, right up to the center. On going to the university, he would see it as Islamic. He would see the ministries and the government offices as Islamic. On entering the bazaar, he would find it to be Islamic. On visiting the farmers and the workers, he would find them to be Islamic. This is our objective- not merely the departure of the plunderers- toward which we have taken the first step. There are other issues pending. This is one, however, for which we have to exert all our efforts and devote our full attention. The others will be dealt with subsequent to this one. There are also some other things that are secondary and should be accomplished after this.

A call to all the Islamic thinkers and scholars

What we are all now involved in is the draft of the Constitution that has been written and placed at the disposal of the public for it to express its opinion. All the people, you the clergymen and the other clergymen, the whole country, all the Islamic intellectuals and thinkers should study this Constitution, from the Islamic Republic and offer your opinions. This Constitution has been drafted for all people to give their opinions. You gentlemen, the distinguished `ulama', the Islamic thinkers, you who have love for Islam and its holy school and believe that there is no government like an Islamic government, and no regime like an Islamic regime, should review this Constitution. You have a month's time to consider its articles one by one. You should point out and publish in the newspapers anything that strikes you as being of benefit to Islam and in conformity with the Islamic Republic, and anything in it that appears to be flawed. Gentlemen: do no just sit around for others to pick up their pens and review the Constitution, and as they imagine make corrections in it. This is your right; Islamic experts must give their opinions on Islamic laws. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic means the Constitution of Islam. This matter is your right; it is the right of the distinguished `ulama'; it is the right of the supreme religious reference authorities; it is the right of all the Islamic intellectuals. Do not sit waiting until the foreign intellectuals, the ones who do not believe in Islam, express their opinions and write the things they are now writing. You should pick up your pens. In all the mosques and the seminaries in all the streets and the bazaars, raise the topics that come to your mind that should be included in this Constitution. The `ulama' should broach the topics and you the followers should not wait for others to tell you what to do. You, yourselves, should determine what you have to do. Study the Constitution yourselves; give your own opinions. Fill the newspapers with your own articles. Do not wait for others to write articles for you, and to raise matters that may turn out to be against Islamic principles and Islamic dignity, God forbid. We are duty-bound to do this and to give our views. All of us have the right to express our views, and you the distinguished `ulama' have a greater right. Those who are conversant with Islam, those who are concerned about it, ought to expend greater efforts in the matter and take the lead.

The importance of choosing the experts to review the Constitution

Subsequently, the thing that is very important is the election of the individuals who must give their views on this Constitution. After all the people have voted and expressed their ideas, these seventy-five individuals should examine the Constitution and amend it, keeping in mind the opinions received from the people, after which it will be put to a referendum. Regarding the seventy-five individuals that are to be chosen for reviewing the Constitution, the important point is for the people to understand what sort of individuals they ought to choose. They should realize that the issue concerns Islam; not East or West. We do not want to review Eastern and Western constitutions; we want to review the Constitution of the Islamic Republic. Therefore, concerning the individuals that are to be elected, it is essential that the people choose, and the honorable clergymen and religious reference authorities recommend, the individuals, the persons, who are concerned about Islam and know what it is. The Majlis that was formerly there; that is, the Constituents' Assembly that came into being in the time of Rida Khan, had the top-ranking `ulama' as members though it had been set up by the taghout. Of course, it was all done by force, but nevertheless, the topmost `ulama' were in the Assembly. With the tyrant eliminated and the country's affairs in your hands, the people should appoint the `ulama' at this time, too, when the Constitution is to be reviewed. It is optional; not obligatory. It is, however, a recommendation. The `ulama' who are well informed of Islamic laws and current affairs should be appointed. And the `ulama', on their part, should not refrain from going to the Majlis, as it is a Majlis in which the fate of Islam will be determined. When the destiny of Islam is to be determined in the Majlis, it is the duty of the `ulama' to go (to the Majlis) and determine this destiny with their own blessed hands.

Review of the Constitution by the experts on Islam

There are two matters now that are important. One is reviewing the Constitution which all the people should undertake- and I advise the distinguished `ulama' to offer their views. After this comes the matter of determining the individuals who must be designated after the voting- after the people have given their views and their proposals and whom the people want to designate. In order to review all the views of these individuals, our nation had to be sure that they are concerned about Islam. This is our plan. The nation, however, is free to decide. Our plan is that, where Islam is concerned, the people ought to designate the kind of individuals, that are experts on Islamic affairs, that know what Islam is, and what its interests are, that have love for Islam, the Glorious Qur'an and the Islamic country. God willing, we shall again talk and write about the qualities of these individuals and what qualities they have to be endowed with.
May God assist all of you and us in serving the people and Islam, and in showing the external form of Islam as Islam desires.
I wish to thank all of you and the great `ulama' of Mashhad, the Ayatullah «2» and all the Grand Ayatullahs who are present here, and all the distinguished `ulama' who kindly inquire about me. I also wish to thank all the preachers and the great scholars of Mashhad al-Muqaddas [Holy Mashhad] who are in the foremost stronghold concerning religious issues. I am your well-wisher and servant.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه