شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Sit-in protest, demonstration, rumor-mongering, and weakening the Islamic government
The Iranian nation
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۴۴ تا صفحه ۲۴۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Ramadan al-Mubarak 14,1399 AH
Mordad 17,1358 AHS
It is with great regret that in these days following the Revolution when all the strata must join hands for rebuilding and repairing the ruins of the taghouti regime and with their support for the government of the Islamic Republic compensate the losses, it is being seen and heard that demonstrations after demonstrations and sit-ins after sit-ins and rallies after rallies and rumor-mongering after rumor-mongering, and attempts to weaken the government by every trick and every rumor-mongering has become prevalent. At a time when the government is making efforts to improve the situation and repair the damages, sabotage has begun; and in the name of expediency, they have arisen to weaken the morale of the people and engage in illogical criticism of the Islamic government.
I must remind the esteemed brothers and sisters that in the same manner that during the Revolution, protests and demonstrations against the taghouti regime earned the satisfaction of the Almighty God, at present when the government is an Islamic and national government and the enemy is hatching conspiracies, protests, demonstrations, rumor-mongering, and unfounded uproar that cause the government to weaken and the enemies of Islam and the nation to strengthen, earn the wrath of God and are considered to be among the great transgressions and enormous prohibitions. My friends! If you are inclined toward Islam and its liberating teachings, to oppose, sabotage and weaken the government is contrary to Islam. And if you are inclined toward nationality and improvement of the lot of the oppressed, today, to weaken the government and spread rumors and spread lies are in conflict with the interests of the nation and the oppressed, and are helping the enemies of the nation and the country. Those who compel the groups to demonstrate, protest and weaken the government are the enemies of the movement and the supporters of the foreigners, or are their agents and are working for the benefit of the foreigners. I request all the strata of the beloved nation to rush to the help of the government- which is helping the oppressed- and not to allow those that sow discord to join them; and in this blessed month of Ramadan- especially during the blessed nights of `Qadr'- to congregate in the gatherings and mosques, and pray for Islam and the Muslims. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon His pious servants.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه