شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The need to focus on and plan the present issues of society; opinion of the experts about the constitution and diligence in selection of the experts
Women students and students of the Dar az-Zahra Center of Homayounshahr in Isfahan
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۴۹ تا صفحه ۴۵۱
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The need to pay attention to the present situation of the society

I must say a few words. First of all I would like to apologize to you respected women for the trouble of having to come to this hot place where we are now face to face with you.
The intellectual development of every society necessitates that a person in whatever stage he is in must pay attention to that same stage; and also the individuals and the groups in whatever position they are in; and every group in whatever circumstance that exists in that group should pay attention to it. To think about things that have occurred in the past and has passed and that thing that shall come later is good from a certain perspective; and from a certain perspective, it prevents a person from achieving that objective that he has in mind. Now if we focus all our attention on what we have done and what we did to emerge victorious and focus all our attention on the distant future, our minds will forego those issues that needs to be attended to now. As there are various groups present and each group is assigned a particular task, if they should pay attention to the tasks of the other groups, they shall deviate from their own task. We must now focus our attention on what our actual objective is; not to think too much of the future and neither of the past. The past has, by the grace of God, passed well; and I hope that the future also, God willing, be good. But the condition for the future to become good is that the present should become good; meaning that every step we take, we take care to see how we should take that step and where we should put down our foot.

The need for the opinion of thinkers about the constitution

Now, we are faced with the constitution; and the experts of this constitution- those who must ratify the constitution- each person whatever view he has about the constitution, he must now give his views and not sit back so that others give their views on his behalf. Both you the respected women and the rest of the strata, whether they belong to the strata of the clergy or are from other strata, must not give the opportunity to others to give their views while we sit back and wait to see what happens. Our present duty is that we should write down the views that we have on the constitution and hand it over to the place where it must be handed- which is the Senate Assembly.
And in the newspapers also if we wish to write; what is of greater importance is that those individuals whom we wish to elect for giving their opinion on the constitution and judging whether this constitution is in agreement with Islam, is in agreement with the interests of the nation; we must identify them and then elect them so that other individuals who are opposed to the destination of this movement; who have no faith in this movement; who have no regard for Islam and the good that is in Islam are not by any chance elected and they do not take to drafting a constitution for us. So, now that we have taken this step we should not think about what we have done and we must not think of what is going to happen later; we must think of what must be done at present.

"Equilibrium" in intellectual development

The intellectual development of every nation is in that it recognizes the opportune moments and knows what to do when. Many of the perversions that occur for a person is because he does not recognize the opportune moment such that he does not propose a matter that must be put forward now and instead proposes a matter for which the time has not yet arrived. All of you must now- the entire nation, both women and men, young and old, from the clergy to the university students- all must think of the present; that this step that we now want to take is taken correctly; and the next steps at their own opportune moment. Now, we must not think for example about how our schools are; how is our agriculture; what is the position of our factories. Now is not the time for these things. Now, all the thoughts must be focused on how is our constitution; give our views. And again all our thinking should be focused on which individuals we must appoint for drafting the constitution and for ratifying the constitution. This step now, this present step is our objective and other talks and other tasks and all of these are ill-timed. Recognition of the right time is one of the matters that have a lot of influence in the development of every society.
And I hope that you ladies who have always been at the forefront of this movement and have almost guided others and others have found greater strength in the knowledge that you were at the forefront, shall God willing be successful; be healthy; be happy. And in the same way that until now with unity of expression and strength and power of faith you have reached this stage; from here onward also, step by step- for Islam needs the presence of all- you should move forward so that, God willing, all the subjects that are in agreement with Islam are implemented. Peace be upon all of you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه