شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Necessity of practicing the Qur'an and following the prophets and saints for prosperity of individuals and society
Women from Majma` al-Qur'an
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۷۴ تا صفحه ۳۷۷
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Spiritual revolution and human training under the auspices of the Qur'an

Our book must be the Qur'an. It does not mean just we verbally speak about the Qur'an, but spiritual revolutions should also be accomplished parallel to acquiring human education and reform our society in a way to pass all spiritual and material directions. It is the Qur'an that is our Book. This is the Book we must read, understand and practise. Verbal confirmation of the Qur'an is not right. We should act according to the Book. You should heed the content of the Book. It is the word of God. It is a means in the hands of the prophet; we are the addressees of the divinely sermons. We are addressed in the following terms:" O' People" and" O' Believers". It is addressed to believers in Islam. The instructions are all educative.

Qur'anic education, source of human perfection

If man does not undergo divinely education, one is animal if not worse than an animal. You cannot find any animal more bloodthirsty than human being. Other animals search for one prey to eat to be cloyed; when they ate their fill, they retreat.
It is man who is never satisfied. It is man who is superior to all others in both achieving perfection and in wickedness. If man is trained according to revealed Books- the holy Qur'an- and if we are educated according to the Qur'an, we will be the most perfect creatures. Prophet of God is the noblest of creatures because he has perceived the real meaning of the Qur'an and practiced accordingly. However, nobody can understand and practise as the prophet can do. Hence, he is the noblest one. If man has not undergone education, he/ she is more dangerous than other animals. A rotten tree does not decay other trees. This is true about animals. A cantankerous animal never affects other animals. This rule does not apply to man. A bad man can make a nation bad and a good one can reform a nation.

Destructive freedoms

You observe in the past fifty years the taghouti regime ruled over us illegally and unrightfully, it destroyed the nation. It was not such that it alone was bad. In fact, it corrupted the nation and spoilt our young people, men and women. They impeded the society from progress and human growth. Under the pretext of" freedom of men and women" and" Great Civilization", they imposed suffocation on us. Neither men nor women were free. There was just one form of freedom, a destructive one. Yes, they were free to go out nakedly and do whatever they wished. They were ordered to train them in this way. They were free to go to the centers of perversion and prostitution. But there was no freedom for women and men to raise any voice. They could not speak about politics or society or criticize their conditions.

Pens were broken

We did not have any free newspaper. We had neither a free speaker nor a free writer. They had muzzled the people and broken the pens. Under the pretext of Great Civilization, they ruined our country while there was no freedom. Now that they are gone, they have left behind a confused country, a downtrodden nation, an ailing economy, a colonized university, etc. It is because a corrupt person presided over the people. A corrupt animal never treats other animals like this. A corrupt man, however, destroys the entire community. Meanwhile, an upright one like the prophet rectifies a nation.

Need to practise the Qur'an and follow the saints of God

Endeavor to act according to the Qur'an, which is a Book of yours and ours. Never verbally claim the Qur'an is ours. Vocal claim is easy. It is easy to say our Book is the Qur'an, our Prophet is the greatest of prophets and `Ali ibn Abitalib is our Imam. It is easy for me to claim that I am the Shi`ite of `Ali but what does Shi`ite mean? It means following the Imam in action.
Shi`ite is a follower. We are not a real Shi`ite without following the Imam in practice. Even if we constantly claim we are Shi`ite, we are just nominally. If we pretend that the Qur'an is our Book, but fail to act according to its spirit, it is not our Book in reality. The greatest Prophet is not our prophet, unless we follow him. If we do not pay heed to his words, we cannot be follower of a Messenger of God; prophethood does not have any advantage for us.
Endeavor in practice so that your Book would be the Qoran, your prophet Muhammad (s) and your Imam `Ali Ibn Abi Talib (s).

Happiness in light of practicing the Qur'an

I hope that your gathering under the canopy of Qur'an will culminate in education under the auspices of the Qur'an, helping you educate your children according to the Qur'an. Link your action to Prophet's instructions for salvation. Islam is not just a relationship between God and His creatures; it has, in addition, some instructions in all gamuts of life. The Qur'an is everything; it has political dimension and all other dimensions: science, guidance and politics. If a nation acts according to the Qur'an and it will be their Book, they will be happy. If we perform some chapters of the Qur'an, we will be happy. I hope that we will practise it and comply with the verse of the Qur'an that says," Cling to the rope of God and do not disperse (disunite)." «1» If Muslims act just to this verse of the Qur'an, then they can win over all powers.
If all of us hold fast to the rope of Allah, which is the Qur'an and the Prophet, and hold the Qur'an in preference to others, be united and not separated, we can defeat all big powers because our population is now more than other populations. We are approximately one billion Muslims considering all our territorial treasuries and vast lands; therefore, no power can stand against our massive power provided that we will be together.
They did not let us progress naturally and benefit from God's blessing whether spiritual or material one by their evil propaganda. Foregoing this, we could have everything. If all Muslims assemble to act according to this verse of the Qur'an, they will be able to overcome everything. Now we must be unified. Holding the rope of God signifies performing the Book of God. Try not to be dispersed, with everyone going one's own way, as propaganda is today carried out massively in our country.

Enemy's aim, provoking discouragement and discord

You observed that congregation and unity of expression worked miracle and defeated big powers. They knew that Islam is powerful enough to make a nation triumphant without any military power. They perceived this concept when women and men came to the streets and protested. Notwithstanding their writers, speakers and their advertisements inside and outside of the country aim to scatter this union. They are busy advertising and stonewalling in any way they can and in any way their mischief necessitates.
Injecting a sense of frustration into people is one of the sabotages they work. They come after people and tell them well, you do not have a house so where is your house if it is the Islamic Republic? The Islamic Republic is achieved but where is your agriculture? The Islamic Republic is fulfilled but what is your job?
These are all aimed at preventing Islamic Republic to come to fruition. The response to these saboteurs is that the spirit of the Islamic Republic has not been fulfilled. This is the Islamic Republic and it means that you have changed the regime but these seditious ones and parasites that work for others and do not want our nation to gain happiness give us no time. They intend not to let the concept of the Islamic Republic be implemented. They are trying so much to prevent from the establishment of the Constitution. They dread of approval of the Constitution by people as they dread of referendum. They are afraid of Islam and intend to impede it. One time in former regime they wanted to do it by force and now by trick and discouraging people by arguing that what you looked for did not come true, while what the nation sought was actually accomplished.

Endeavor to fulfill the content of Islam

The people sought after freedom and have it now. They wanted independence and our country is independent now. No government can rule over the country. America with all its powers could do nothing when our young people went and captured its corruption center and seized those seditious people in its embassy. This is our independence. You asked for an Islamic country and the Islamic Republic and it is materialized according to your votes. What has not been done is the implementation of the concept of Islamic Republic to the letter, which, of course, needs time a long time.
It takes time to change these minds trained by corrupted publicity throughout 2500 years or at least some 50 years. It takes time but this nation, women and men, must be courageous. You must go forward powerfully and as you had been successful, you will be successful in the future God willing.
I hope this Islamic government will be fulfilled as the Prophet of Islam wanted in early days of Islam, as all Muslims and all our respectful people will be happy in this and the next world.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه