شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The conspiracies and plans of the superpowers against Islam and the ways to offset them
The superintendents of the Quba Mosque; the university students of Marivan
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۱۳ تا صفحه ۳۱۸
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Confronting the world devourers

We are being confronted with some issues now which we have to deal with. As you are aware, one is the conspiracies and anti-Islamic propaganda of superpowers against Islam both inside and outside the country. The other one is the internal ruins which are being exhaustively used by some as an excuse to beguile our youth.
In order for us to confront this superpower and not face defeat, we need to take some measures: Firstly, we need to improve our economy in order to attain self-sufficiency and to do this we must primarily develop our agriculture we have to. You should try to cultivate all lands through multifaceted agricultural activities. Unfortunately, there are some who, either unknowingly or on purpose, in the name of assisting farmers, the actually become a hurdle in the proper cultivation of the land and this spells danger for the country.

Economic self-sufficiency is the most significant national responsibility

You are well aware of the fact that if a country is not able to produce its needs, especially its food, it has to rely on the economy of other nations, and this economic reliance forces a country, like Iran, to be independent on other countries. Now, America has gathered all other powers around itself and is trying to apply some economic sanctions against us. God wiling, it will not succeed. However, we should be prudent. If these sanctions are carried out we will be faced with food shortage and this will exert a blow on our movement which is also a blow against Islam. Thus, everyone of us is duty bound to make efforts to the utmost of our ability in this regard.
In agriculture and in animal husbandry, too, both the government and people should cooperate. People should earnestly work. This is a country which needs a lot of work force and labor. This energy of the people should not go to waste. A country should be self sufficient as regards its food, meat, wheat and the like. Animal husbandry should be taken seriously, so should agriculture. The other day, a lot of people of Qum told me this year the agriculture in Qum is booming and that all the cultivable lands are under cultivation. Thus, Qum will not need help from abroad. I became delighted and thanked them. May God help them. This should be done everywhere. This should prevail everywhere in this country. Every location in this country should endeavor and try to be self-sufficient.

Self sufficiency is a national and religious obligation

Khouzestan has ample lands and water. If the government and people cooperated closely and cultivate its farms, we would have sufficient agricultural produce from there. Wheat produced by dry farming is very promising in this section of Iran. Besides, dry farming is more profitable than normal farming. Dry farming will probably produce twenty times more for each seed cultivated. But this proportion is eight seeds per one seed in normal farming. Nevertheless, this is an obligation for us to do.
Now we are living under abnormal and unusual conditions in this country. If we do not put forth enough energy, we will be dependent upon the foreign countries. And this dependence entails further dependence over other countries and the loss of our independence altogether. Thus, it is a religious obligation for us to work hard. We should not consider the probable benefits gained from agriculture. Now, it is a national and religious obligation for us to endeavor more. If we are capable of performing some tasks but refrain from doing so, we shall be responsible and will be accountable before God. If we took the necessary actions, we could prepare our provisions and could even export some of our produce. Now, conditions have become so deplorable that we should import meat from one country, wheat from another country and eggs from a third country. It is a shame for us not to produce, and be simple consumers and be worried about who will provide us with meat and bread. Therefore, all walks of life should endeavor and produce the sustenance we and the nation need. God willing, we will become self-sufficient.

The conspiracy to undermine the army

In this country there are some agitators who do not like to see peace prevail in Iran. They infiltrated the ranks of the army, police and gendarme personnel and swayed their views saying they had to reject stages (of development). They inculcated into their brains the idea of the meaning of which they do not even know. And if ever this term has any real meaning at all, they do not know what it is. They thought that a" single community" meant the non-existence of an army. Everyone is either a soldier or a lieutenant general. The army, the gendarmerie and other police forces are of crucial significance to a country. These problems are created by the leftists who have affiliated themselves to Islam and are propagating wrong notions in the name of Islam to allow the dissipation of the ulterior (evil) motives of others. These pernicious elements, some of whom were offshoots of the previous regime, infiltrate the soldiers, barracks and spread deceptive ideas the army personnel in order to undermine the army. They wish to take control of the army and paralyze it. They say nobody should be an officer or a sergeant; a single community should be created. By this they mean all are either lieutenant generals or soldiers. They propagate lack of order and hierarchy in the army. By a single community they mean the lack of obedience in the ranks in the army.

The meaning of a unified [classless] community

Is it not meant to destroy the army? Does it not mean that they want no army? This is taken to mean that Iran does not need any army at all. Neither does it need any gendarmerie. Nor does it need any police force. Nor does it need a government. This group does not understand the true meaning of this term. But the term equal community means that in the army everybody should obey the major general; everybody should be obedient to the lieutenant general; discipline should prevail in the army. This term is taken to mean that everybody should be thinking of God; everyone should heed God; should not be chaos. In essence, equality means something different from what they say. In the community they are talking about they say that everyone should be peasants; but do we not need any weavers? To assume that we may not need any blacksmiths will not make the community members equal. Not everybody is equal in the society. One toils much and the other one less. This kind of society even exists among animals. In an animal society all are equal except for some which are queens. An example is the society of the termites. They live in an organized society and their so called" civilization" is older than that of human beings. In the society of bees, some are superior, like the queen, and the rest are at lower ranks. By the term equal community is not meant absolute equality. How is it possible for every body to be engineers or illiterates? Don't we need farmers or workers besides engineers? Do we not need managers? This is unthinkable!

A conspiracy named the "unified [classless] community"

They have heard the term a" unified" (classless) community, but have not had a full grasp of its meaning. There are those who look for chances to disturb the order in this country and to put us under the domination of America and its likes. This second group has joined the first group and is employing the term equal community very often. Ask them what this word means. Their answer would be" we do not want ranks in the army; we could do without ranks such as officers, major-generals and the like. We are all soldiers and we shall obey nobody, nobody should issue orders. We are all equal; we do not need supervisors, nor do we need senior officers. Is such a country manageable then? Is it not an act of treason against the army? Likewise, is it not an act of treason and conspiracy against Islam? These have been brainwashed by some and have been indoctrinated by the agitators to take off their military badges and give it to an officer and ask him," now you give us the badge; we will be honored by it. This breach of order is to corrupt a country. Don't we need businessmen or merchants or carpet dealers? Should the members of a society be the same? Don't we need university students simply because if he or she got educated his or her life pattern would differ from that of the others? Are a farmer and a thinker who can plan huge operations the same? Shouldn't there be some differences between them? Is the airplane engineer and a well digger the same in the world societies? This is not an equal community. Everybody is busy doing one particular job.

A classless society or chaos?

What are these people saying? Where in the world is there a classless community? In the Soviet Union are the supervisors and governors and the workers the same? Doesn't Kremlin rule over the country? Don't their army commanders command? Do the army men there take off their badges and ask for chaos? Isn't China the same? Is there any place in the world in which army members say they want to be pure soldiers? Is there any army in the world in which all members have the same rank? What kind of rubbish are they saying? This is clear treason towards Islam and our country. It is a conspiracy against our army. The army should have its specific authority. Of course, all members should be united. This is society equals. All Iranian citizens should have one objective: to free themselves from foreign domination. They should govern their community. The equal community was the one which brought about your victory. Everybody took part in this movement with one objective in mind. The equal society does not mean chaos in which no order or rule of law prevails. This is hazardous to our country, indeed.

The need for vigilance vis-a-vis the American threat

The young army men should realize the hazard that is threatening your country; they are threatening your country. They are cheating you in inculcating you that chaos should prevail. Before I embark on the process of and liquidating and decisively take measures against the trouble makers, you had better correct your behavior. Those shall be dismissed in the army who encouraged the low ranking officers to take off their rank badges as it has been relayed to us. You are leveling the most horrendous treason against your country. It is better for you to correct yourselves before we interfere in the affairs.
Now we are being confronted with two sorts of threats. On the one hand we are faced with the American threats; on the other hand, we are encountering those youth who are serving the United States. They fail to understand the fact that if America attacks us, we will have the necessary troops, gendarme forces, the revolutionary guards and all of us. These youth have been deceived by some who tell them about equal societies. Release their names so that they could be dismissed from the army. Carry out dismissal yourselves. Let the youth expel them. The course of action taken by these agitators is against Islam and the Iranian nation. It is against our country. It is against the Muslims' interest and expediency. The troops, gendarmes, police forces and the revolutionary guards should establish the rule of law. Nobody is allowed to violate this order.

The necessity of cohesion and coordination among military forces

When chaos prevails, lives are lost. If you live in chaos and you are being assaulted, you lack the energy to defend yourselves. If tomorrow the enemy attacks, you will not be able to ward off the assaults well. Now there are turmoils inside and outside the country. There is no unified force to stop them. Why? Because there is no cohesion among yourselves. There is no order in the police force. The revolutionary guards are working for their own and do not care about others. There are some bad elements among these revolutionary guards who are obstructing cohesion. These forces need cohesion. They cannot perform well if they lack cohesion. They should be coordinated everywhere. We have been told that the revolutionary guards enter army bases and gendarmerie headquarters threaten and insult their personnel. Why should they do so? Are you not Muslims? Aren't you nationalistic? Are you not working for God? For your country? So, you should coordinate your actions so that you achieve something.
This is one of the problems besetting our country. Another problem we are facing is caused by some friends; and friends who are heedless are ignorant. Some committed individuals are willing to work, but are deceived by a group of infidels. And the youth, whose minds are pure and unspoiled, believe them. You must trace the roots and the originator of this problem. This is just one problem and there are still others.

Reliance on the divine power

However, we are victorious because we rely on a supreme power. We by ourselves are nothing; it is He who counts. Even when you utter some slogans in favor of me, you should be aware of the fact that I am nothing. It was He who carried out this feat. Khomeini is not involved. This revolution was done through the hands of a super power. It was He who made a unarmed people defeat a highly-equipped superpower. All of us are brothers. In Him we shall trust; therefore, we are victorious.

The vigilance of the youth

I hope that our youth everywhere: in the army, in the gendarmerie, in the police department, in the corps of the guards of the revolution, in the revolutionary courts, in the market, on the streets, and in the agriculture, shall become aware of the fact that we are being confronted with a superpower and that unless we are united they shall destroy us up. We should rely on God and stay united. If we do so, we shall not be vulnerable. If we are divided into groups or individuals however, we shall be defeated. However, if we go ahead in our revolution with a strong determination, we shall be victorious.
And I ask the Exalted and Blessed God to protect Iran, which is an Islamic state, and which is favored by the Almighty God, by the Great Prophet (s), and by the Infallibles (`a), against the, both internal and external. I ask God to assist our youth who are busy at improving the agriculture, industry, army, police, and the revolutionary guards.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه