شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The nation's way separate from the claimers of nation's partisan - accusing the God's men as being reactionaries
The enshrouded zealous men from Shahr-e Kurd and Babol
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۷۶ تا صفحه ۳۷۷
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Taking the religious leaders as paradigms of tolerating hardships

It is a burden on my shoulders when I see people start coming here from the Bakhtiyari province and from the north, in this cold weather, to show their sentiments here. I do not know how to compensate for these love and sentiments of yours. Today, I was sent a picture of a young man who has been martyred near the university. He has willed to have his picture sent to me if he gets martyred. I feel greatly indebted to the owner of this picture and the pictures of others who have been martyred. I am burdened by these. But what alleviates these heavy feeling is the fact that we are from God and are heading towards Him: Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return. «1» The route leads to Allah. When you left Bakhtiyari to come here, you came for God, not for me: I am irrelevant. And those gentlemen who came here from the north have come on Allah's way; it has been for God. What makes every burden easy is the fact that we are working for God. We are following the examples of our Lord, our leaders and the Infallible ones (`a). We are following the examples of the Great Prophet of God. Those great ones, too, suffered a great deal. The hardships they went through might be intolerable for us. We are not strong enough to bear the hardships that the Great Prophet (s) suffered for God. We are but a drop in this limitless ocean. We should do our best to serve Islam. This is Islam; this is the Holy Qur'an; and this is God on our way.

Who is the reactionary?

Whatever we give on the path of Islam, God and the Holy Qur'an is an honor. It is the path of truth .. Let the infidels say what they may. Let them call you reactionaries. Let those who turned back on their nation and worked as mercenaries for the foreigners, both east and west, call you, who are working for your independence, reactionaries. The world should judge whether we are allowed to call reactionary a nation which has expelled the enemies from its country and desires to secure its own independence or to call reactionary those who are cooperating with traitors and are delivering lectures in their schools and making propaganda against the Iranian nation. Which ones are reactionary: those who want to deprive the nation of their freedom and of their independence, or those who try to free themselves from tyrannies? Is the one, who tries to separate oneself from both east and west and to free one's nation, reactionary or the one who, from the outset, has worked for the foreigner, both east and west?

Under the people's name but at the service of the foreigners

Let our enemies say what they may. You have selected God's path. Your way is clear. Your way is God's path. It is the way of the prophets. These agitators consider the prophets as reactionary. They even consider the Holy Qur'an as reactionary. The main issue is that they are working for the foreigners. Our bright youth should ask these people what their ideas are. If you are working for the people why are you hindering the farmers from cultivating lands? Why are you making trouble for their factories? Why do you set fire on the harvest of a family who has worked one whole year to reap? It is better to account for your work now that you say you are working for the people. These are" working" for people. But, in fact, you are serving the enemies.
Once again I thank you, young men and elderly people, and you, children, who, despite the severe weather conditions, came here to meet me. I also thank those disabled ones who tolerated a lot of hardships to come here. And I am obliged towards those who sent me their messages through you. I thank you, all and I pray for you. I am always at your service. I ask God for your prosperity. May you prosper both here and in the hereafter.
May God's peace and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه