شناسه مطلب صحیفه
American policy, augmenting domestic conspiracy
Coffin-wearing demonstrators or Aligoudarz
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۶۱ تا صفحه ۶۳

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Plot to stop the pillars of the regime and system from getting a firm hold

I have heard today that gentlemen have come on foot from Aligoudarz. They have expressed their willingness to guard here for my safety. I thank the gentlemen for showing affection. I admire and appreciate the troubles you have undergone. But I do not agree to your staying over here. You may please go back and get busy with your work. America will not intervene militarily in Iran nor will it impose upon us economic sanctions. The American plot is to create something from inside that we cannot go ahead the way we have started. They have agents inside the country, their servants. The plot is to demonstrate outside (in the foreign) that in Iran, the government is not able to administer not is the nation able to be free. Everywhere in Iran, there is tumult and chaos. These Satans want to upset everywhere- in colleges, courts, police centers, centers of authorities, in districts- in all the country as a whole. They would not let the government to get settled. Now is the time for the nation to be together and united. These two stages that basically we have ahead, let they be achieved with dignity. One is to appoint a president and other is to elect the parliament members. Again the plots have reached the climax. These plots are to not allow the president to be appointed and the parliament to the parliament to take shape. If these two stages are covered then skeleton of the Islamic government will be shaped. They are afraid of an Islamic government. America has received a blow at the hands of Islam. The blow that has hit America is from these youths who have rendered sacrifice to Islam and have even foregone their lives. So for this reason America fears Islam. Therefore, it is creating segregation among the nation. They do not want unity because by unity we have had been able to prosper so far. They want to paralyze us while we still on way. They are speaking about military intervention and economical block out. It is quite likely to be such in order to divert the attention from the fundamental things. Our nation should be advertent of this satanic plot which is above all the plots. They want the trouble from inside, and the Islamic regime to remain unstable.

Maintaining a unified voice and preventing dissension

I thank you, the youths, for your undergoing the trouble to come over here from a long distance in spite of this cool weather and particularly the cold that surrounds your area. I admonish you to eschew and avoid the segregation at any rate. Anything, any slogan, and any person that might become the cause for separation and differences amidst you please avoid. Today you need the oneness of the word. Tomorrow you are in need to preserve today's unity. Obey God the Almighty. He has commanded:" Hold firm the rope of God and do not go separated." «1» Separation would result in enabling you to uplift your country to the desired level of growth and progress. Also you would be rendered unable to demonstrate to the world in its due guise which is suitable to an Islamic government. And the enemies too are after this very same thing. They do not want that Islam takes shape here. These people who do not want the Islamic Republic, in fact, have fear about Islam. The countries that fear Islam anticipate that Islam would infiltrate into the other countries. So they are afraid of its getting spread. Therefore, they are willing to stop you here itself. So you should be careful and vigilant to be far from differences.

The honor and power of a country lies in its self-sufficiency

Another thing is that your country needs work. This is a wrecked and ruined country. So it is in need of reconstruction, which lies in your hand. Any one in any place should be engaged in some work or other. Whatever work he might have, he should do it fair and well. We should not depend on foreign countries for our food stuff. This should not happen. This is a vast country- quite enough for 150 million population. This is in accordance with what is told to me. Now 35 million are living here. As such, the country has more possibilities. You have vast lands. You have water. You have the heavenly blessings. You have strength. You have force, power and energy. You are young and have young ones. So, it is a matter of shame for an Islamic country to be needy for its own food, and that too from its own enemies. America is our enemy. It is a great shame and bashful to us that casts our heads down to be needy to America. So do such as to be self-sufficient. You yourselves should bring your food stuff out of this land of God, by the flow of this water of God. I hope God willingly you will have exports either.
May God save you. I again thank you for the pain you have taken. I pray for you. I am your servant.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه