شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Heart Hospital, Tehran
Parliamentary elections
The nation of Iran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۲۷ تا صفحه ۱۲۸
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I with a consummate pride thank the honoured nation of Iran for its political growth and its commitment to Islam. They have established the world in all the previous referendums, particularly in presidential elections of the Islamic Republic, that the great Islamic Revolution first is a moral and spiritual revolution rather than a political and social one. This they have proved through the highest Islamic conduct and elevated spirit. I in the last days of my life shall depart towards the mercy of the Truth while being absolutely hopeful of the honor the exaltation of perfection that you have attained. The pride and privilege shall not be consummate when you again put the maturity of your humanity and adherence to Islam in the coming parliamentary elections to exhibition as you did in the last presidential elections. You, the dear Iranian nation! You campaigned for the sake of God to gain His delight, and attained the miraculous victory by the grace of His help and support. Now again at this juncture which is a trial you should endeavor not to sacrifice the interests of Islam and the country for the sake of personal interests or those of a group. I expect you to preserve the unity of word in electing your deputies for the parliament, and give preference to the delight of God over your own. I humbly request you to be in agreement with each other in electing the deputies. Be mindful to choose the ones who are committed to Islam and are not deviated from the right path of God. Leave the fate of the country and Islam to the trust of those who believe in Islam, Islamic Republic and the Constitution. Besides, they should respect and be committed to the commands of God. They should not regard their personal benefits above the interests of the country. I want you to support the Revolutionary Council that is at parity with the parliament till the parliament itself is formed. Also support the members of the Revolutionary Council whom I approve because they are servants of Islam and the nation. I want the Revolutionary Council to continue its services honestly and truthfully. I want the members of the government, the civilians and the army to extend their cooperation with them. They should behave like sincere brothers. They should act as the Holy Qur'an instructs us:" Be one hand against stranger". I pray for you here in the hospital. I hope to hear about your close ties among yourselves and your cooperation in the governmental affairs. I want from all the groups and the whole nation to shun differences and divisions for the sake of the interests of the country, the blood that sheds in the way of liberty and independence, for the sake of whatever you considers as sacred. This is a sensitive moment. The enemy is in ambush waiting for an opportunity. You should attain the degrees of prestige and privilege before the Creator and the creatures. I pray to God for the glory of Islam and the Muslims. Peace be on the virtuous servants of God.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه