شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Shemiran, Darband, Tehran
Formation of commission for investigations into the crimes of the Shah and the U.S.A
America and spy hostages
The nation of Iran
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۵۳ تا صفحه ۱۵۴
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
O, the noble and campaigning nation of Iran! The crimes of Shah and of America are so apparent and obvious and no need goes to establish a proof. Both Shah and America have made us dependent in all the grounds. Murder, assassination, beating, hitting, scolding, abusing, jails, prisons, exile was the norm of the day made common by these criminals. We campaign against the government of America and shall keep it on till the end of my life. We shall not give up till we push it back to its own core and in absorption from the region. We shall give aides to all those who seek liberty from its yoke. The people of Iran shall take their destiny into their own hands. Whether it is East or West, both stand on us at parity in the pans of the balance of tyranny and atrocity. We shall fight and win because victory is with Truth. The domination of America is in fact the source of all misfortunes of the oppressed nations. The aggression of East too has blackened the history.
O, nation of Iran! Be ware! Be vigilant! You still have long years of campaigning ahead. Every day the superpowers sketch a new plot for your elimination. But the trick of Satan is fable. «1» The issue that is hot these days is America and its spies taken as hostages by the Muslim campaigning students. I would like to remark a few points in this regard.
1. Copies of all documents relating to the intervention of America and the traitor Shah should be placed at the disposal of the commission now investigating the crimes of the government of America and the Shah. In addition to this, if the Muslim students happen to be in possession of any other documents, they should surrender the same to the said commission.
2. Among the hostages, those who are in the files and records of the crimes of America and the Shah should be kept available to interview for interrogation.
3. If the investigating committees make their opinion public in Tehran concerning the crimes of the deposed Shah and the interventions of the aggressor America, meeting with all the hostages would not be objected.
I once more made public my support to the Revolutionary Council and to of the president of the Republic. I want all to cooperate with them and not decline their support. Further, I want from all the classes among the people to practice the desirable Islamic behavior and preserve the brotherly rights among each other.
My dear sisters and brothers! Today is the day of unity and oneness. Today if you do not coordinate among yourselves, you will fall prey either to East or to West. Do not stick to a word. Do what is in the interest of these native people, the native land, the nation and Islam.
The campaign of the noble nation of Iran shall go on till the abruption of the foreign and stranger' hands from the country. As long as America and the superpowers go on with their atrocities and crimes, our nation shall prolong its campaign to confront them. The nation shall preserve its all-sided freedom by all its strength and vigor.
It is upon the open-minded ones among our nation to do their best towards vilification of the big powers and all other powers too. I hope that Khomeini may not deviate from the right path of Islam that is a confrontation and campaign against the tyrant superpowers. Likewise, I hope he does not be forlorn and fatigued in his endeavors in making prolific and fecundate the aims of Islam. I hope that all the Muslim nations, particularly the campaigning nation of Iran will always be endeavoring towards this Islamic purpose. They will continue their campaign against the tyrants of East and of West.
I pray to God the Almighty to bestow victory to Islam and Muslims. Peace on you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه