شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Sha`ban 15, the auspicious birthday of the Promised Mahdi- may God expedite his glorious advent
Felicitations on Sha`ban 15; warning over the joint conspiracy of the anti-Revolutionary groups
The Muslim nation of Iran «1»
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۰۲ تا صفحه ۴۰۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Felicitations to all the oppressed peoples of the world on the occasion of the auspicious and blessed birthday of the last of the Divinely-Appointed Successors of the Prophet (s) and the Pride of all Divine Saints, Hujjat ibn al-Hasan al-`Askari- may our souls be sacrificed for his arrival! How auspicious is the birthday of the one who is to establish universal justice, for which purpose all the divine prophets (`a) have been sent! How auspicious is the birthday of the champion who shall purify this world from the evils of the tyrants and scoundrels and will fill the earth with fairness and justice after it has been filled with cruelty and oppression! And who will crush world arrogance and will make the oppressed people of the world its inheritors. How blessed and auspicious will be the day on which the world will be purified from all evil and mischief and when the rule of divine justice will be established throughout the world and when the hypocrites and the connivers will be eliminated from the scenes and the banner of divine justice and mercy will spread globally! And when only the laws of Islamic justice will govern all mankind and when the palaces of oppression and tyranny will crumble down and the goal of the appointment of all the prophets (`a) and saints shall come to be established. And when divine plenitude will descend upon this earth! All dishonorable pens and hypocritical tongues will be broken and severed on that day and the radiance of the divinely-appointed king will fill this world while the devils and the evil ones will be cast aside and the fake human rights' organizations will be destroyed. It is hopeful that God Almighty will hasten that auspicious day on which this blessed one will return and make the guiding light of Imamate radiate universally! And now, as those awaiting his blessed return, it is our duty to strive to the best of our ability to establish the rule of divine justice in this country of the Imam of the Age- may Allah expedite his advent- and to keep away from dissension, hypocrisy, and dishonesty and to seek divine satisfaction. And let us all humble ourselves before the law and strive with peace and harmony, brotherhood, and equality for the progress of the Islamic Revolution. And always keep in mind that God Almighty is ever witnessing all our actions. And let us avoid transgressing the laws of Islam and pay no heed to the instigation of trouble-makers.
I humbly request the Iranian nation to remain active on the scenes but with peace and calm. The presence of you beloved Muslim people will thwart the conspiracies of the tyrants and the connivers of history. Your presence on the scenes will blacken the faces of the hypocrites and their dishonorable allies with gloom and despair. It is the presence of you brave and pious people that will establish pure Islam in Iran and, God willing, throughout the world. The presence of you pious and selfless people will ultimately expose the true picture of the" liberal-minded" devotees of the East and the West. Your presence on the scenes will crush all the evil of I-ness and egotism and will replace it with unity and Islamic brotherhood. Your presence on the scenes has alerted America, the West, and the East and their mindless followers by declaring to them that it was we who made the Revolution possible and it is we who determine our own destiny and that we will not be swayed by all your vain babble. Your presence on the scenes has managed to expose all the groups, organizations, and associations that, in the name of championing the cause of individual freedom and individualism had stood up in confrontation with Islam and its religious laws. Today, and the oncoming days will prove to be the days of the defeat of the sworn enemies of Islam. It will not be concerned with individual defeat or the defeat of certain people but will prove to be the day of the defeat of a trend masterminded by those who do not believe in Islam. And even if some of them do believe in Islam, it is only as long as it does not oppose or clash with the Western trend of thought. It will be the defeat of a trend that has been anguishing my heart. It will be the defeat of a trend that is much more dangerous than all the crimes and treacheries committed by the Pahlavi regime throughout their disgraceful rule. It will be the defeat of a deviated trend whose foundations were shaken and ruined by your timely presence on the scenes.
My dear friends! Stay very cautious and completely alert! And remain alertly active on the scenes but with complete calmness. No one will be able to harm you if you do not allow them to. And with your support all the enemies of the noble Prophet (s) and the Infallible Imams (`a) will be defeated. Remain alert as Iran is on the verge of attaining the fruits of your noble Revolution. Remain alert as the despicable anti-Islamic trend and the West are on the verge of complete defeat. And surely you have proved that you are resisting with full awareness.
Khomeini kisses each and every one of your hands and honors every single one of you! And (he) considers each and every one of you as his leader. I have said repeatedly that I am just like the rest of you and that there is no question of any leadership. I am fully aware of the value of your presence in these sensitive days and am counting days with the hope of your final victory over your enemies.
I, once again, humbly request this noble nation not to be neglectful toward the war and to encourage and honor your brothers in the army and the Revolutionary Guards Corps as well as the rest of the beloved combatants at the warfronts. You, the brave soldiers of Islam, who are serving at the warfronts and in the garrisons and behind the warfronts should keep an alert track of the anti-revolutionary trends and should know that it is for the past one year now that I had not deemed it appropriate to reveal certain facts that I am aware of to the nation. Why? In the interest of national peace and harmony and so that you could confront world arrogance with total peace of mind. But this was until the time that I started feeling that things were going beyond limits and that the very foundations of the Islamic Republic- that had been established by sacrificing the blood of seventy thousand martyrs and after over a hundred thousand people had been rendered invalid- were being threatened. I could no longer bear to see you all fight while the anti-revolutionary elements were gearing up to reap the benefits of your victories in order to serve their evil political objectives. I, thus, opened my heart to you. No matter where you are, take the greatest caution so that the anti-revolutionary elements do not succeed in achieving their despicable objectives.
O commanders, officers, non-commissioned officers, and the brave soldiers of Islam! You are well aware that, today, the hypocrites have gained proximity with certain people «2» by portraying themselves as their staunch supporters and under that guise, are involved in blasts and armed conflict and are creating tension in different parts of the country everyday. They are the same people who had demanded the dissolution of the army from the very first day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
I will continue to stand up against the anti-Revolutionary forces that are determined to involve you in fresh conflicts everyday under the pretext of supporting certain people, with the support of the power of this brave nation.
O' you soldiers, revolutionary guards, basijis, gendarmes, policemen, and all the people's armed forces and all the others who are sacrificing your lives for the cause of Islam and Iran! Remain alert and make Islam the touchstone of all your actions!
Today, the hypocrites, the" National Front", the" Democrats" and all the anti-revolutionary elements have joined hands to defeat you and the noble Revolution of your nation.
Don't you see them gathering in some nook and corner everyday, causing sabotages?! But for your active presence they would have vilified your Revolution throughout the world.
Haven't you all gone through the leaflets of the" Union of Iranian Communists" in which it has committed sacrilege against all your beliefs under the pretext of supporting a certain individual. You beloved people should stay alert and maintain calmness and should await the divine retribution (for the enemies).
Strive to maintain Islamic ethics and refrain from employing incendiary slogans and thwart the conspiracies of the rabble-rousers. Know that no sin is greater than remaining silent against the enemies of God and men and no virtue is greater than actively confronting the anti-Revolutionary elements. Maintain calmness and strive toward fostering unity and the spirit of Islamic brotherhood.
I implore the great Imam of the Age [Wali Allah al-A`zam] - may God expedite his advent- to beseech God Almighty with his life-giving breath, to grant all of us, our authorities, and the entire noble nation success in acting according to the guidance and the laws of Islam and to expedite the advent of the Baqiyyatullah [Last Proof of Allah] - may my soul be sacrificed for him!
Peace and blessings be upon the martyrs and their honorable, noble, and brave families! Peace be upon the beloved and hardy Islamic war-disabled soldiers!
May God's peace be upon the followers of guidance.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه