شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Appointment of Tabriz Friday prayer leader
Muslim Malakouti
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۳۰۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Since his Excellency Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mr. Meshkini- may his graces last- led Friday prayer in Tabriz temporarily, and has to return to Qum Theological Seminary after the holidays, I thank him for taking the trouble and appoint Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Muslim Malakouti whose experience, knowledge and piety are known, as Friday prayer leader.
I hope he will be successful in managing the affairs, in attend to the needs of the area and serving Islam and Muslims. I request the respected people of Azerbaijan, especially the spiritual leaders- may their blessings last- to support him. God willing, by consulting the `ulama', he will be successful in serving the Islamic Republic. I pray to God to grant happiness and health to everybody and to grant glory to Islam and Muslims.
May God's peace be upon His righteous servants.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
21,1360 AHS/ Muharram 15,1402 AH
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه