شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
The auspicious birth anniversary of Hadrat Zahra (s) - Woman's Day
Defining the status of women in Islamic culture and complimenting the combatant and brave Iranian women
The Iranian women
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۶۹ تا صفحه ۱۷۱
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Congratulations to the honorable people of Iran, particularly the honored women on the occasion of the holy Woman's Day, the day of dignity of the brilliant elements constituting the cornerstone of human virtues and lofty values of the vicegerent of Allah in the world.
More auspicious and worthier is the exalted selection of 20 Jamadi ath-Thani, the honorable day of the birth of a woman who is among the miracles of history and glories of the world of existence, a woman who raised in a small and humble chamber human beings whose light shines over the elements of this earth to places across the heavens and from this earthly world to beyond the celestial world. Greetings and peace of God Almighty upon this humble chamber which characterizes the light of divine majesty and a place for nurturing chosen ones among the children of Adam!
The role of women in the world enjoys special features. The well-being and corruption of a society emanates from the soundness and corruption of women in that society. The woman is the single being who can produce individuals in her lap and hand them over to society, from whose blessings a society, and even societies can prosper and attain human lofty goals or move in the opposite direction. Indubitably, what befell the dear people of Iran, particularly its innocent women in the past 50 black years at the hands of this wicked regime was accomplished with pre-determined plans of the super criminals of the world. Rida Khan and his criminal son with their crippled mind committed such a heinous crime that is unprecedented in the course of the history of this country.
These super criminals who consider the continuation of their life to lie in the captivity of nations, particularly Islamic nations in recent centuries when they found their way into oil rich and wealthy Islamic countries, realized that only a" religious stratum" can be the thorn in the side of the colonialists and imperialists. They saw that a half-line decree of a religious marja` (religious reference authority) loved by the people was so influential that it brought the government of England and the powerful Qajar imperial court to their knees. «1» They also realized that women had a fundamental role in that movement, and that in the Constitutional Movement and post-constitutional movement, women, particularly the deprived middle class, were able to bring men into the scene with their uprising. They felt that as long as these factors remained active, their plans would be thwarted. They found it necessary to weaken foundations of religion and religious leadership of the religious strata of the people in order to gain access to these countries and their enormous resources. From then onward, they thought of this scheme and its applicability and achieved successes until they found Rida Khan for rendering this service and brought him to power and he employed these three factors to launch their inimical campaign. Those who remember that time know what this criminal traitor did to this people with the assistance of their mercenaries and what approaches they adopted to gain ever quicker victory of their plans aimed to deflect the youth and push people towards consumerism and corrupting the innocent women. The present generation who has not experienced those black days can look at the books, poems, writings, plays, popular songs, newspapers, magazines, centers of prostitution and gambling houses, wine shops and cinemas, all reminiscent of that age, or ask those who have experienced that time. You can ask what oppression and treasons cloaked in the alluring name of the progressive women had they committed against women, this educative and human-rearing stratum. There is no doubt that religious women, particularly the deprived people, took up resistance. The treacherous colonialists, however, succeeded in achieving their goals among the affluent and pleasure-seeking layers of society who warmed up the market for their masters. Now that with the grace of God Almighty and the activity of the honorable people, particularly the lionhearted women, the hands of tyrants have been curtailed, still an insignificant minority continues with their ignorant activities. It is hoped that, God willing, they will also become aware of the tricks of the big and small satans and thwart their tricks. Today, in observing the Woman's Day, we should take pride in our women. What honor is higher than the fact that our honorable women stood in the front lines of resistance against the former tyrannical regime and after crushing it stood up against superpowers and their affiliates. The demonstration of resistance and bravery by our women has not been observed among men at any age. The resistance and sacrifices of these great women in the imposed war were so wonderful that words are inadequate to describe them. In the course of the war, I have seen scenes from bereaved mothers, sisters and wives which I think have no parallel anywhere in the world. What will remain as an unforgettable memory- though all the scenes are equally wonderful- is the wedding of a young girl with a dear revolutionary guard who has lost both arms and eyes in the war. That courageous girl overwhelmed with purity and sincerity said:" Now that I could not join the battlefields, let me perform my duty to this revolution and religion." The spiritual majesty of this scene and its human value and divine melodies cannot be expressed or depicted by writers, poets, orators, painters, artists, mystics, philosophers, jurists or any other one whom you can imagine. This great girl's selflessness, God-seeking deed and spirituality cannot be evaluated using prevailing criteria. This auspicious day is the day of this woman and these women, whom God may keep for Islam and Iran and its majesty. Let me now give a piece of sincere and fatherly advice to women who are young and whose husbands have ascended the heaven not to refuse marriage which is a valuable divine tradition since by doing so they can have precious and valuable children. They should not listen to the temptations of those who cannot distinguish between what is advisable and what breeds corruption. I also notify the dear revolutionary guards, soldiers and young adults to avail themselves of marrying these ladies and by choosing such worthy wives continue with their honorable life. May God be your assistance! Eternal peace and greetings to women, these valuable and resistant elements! Congratulations to all on the worthy day of women! May God be the support of this dear country and help us all!
Ruhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه