شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Need for unity of Muslims; countless crimes of Saddam
Ahmad Jannati (member of the Guardian Council of the Constitution), Muslim leaders of Bangladesh: Muhammad Hafizi Hudour, Farouq Imam ad-Din Taha, Fadl al-Haqq, `Aziz al-Haqq and Habib
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۱۷ تا صفحه ۴۱۹
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The need for the unity of world Muslims, against infidels and polytheists

I thank you for taking the trouble of coming here. I hope that during the time you are in Tehran you can ask your companions to go to the streets and talk to people to find out the situation in Iran and to see if people are satisfied or not. They will see that people wholeheartedly help the government, that Iran is stable, and the Islamic government is firm and people free. If you attend Friday prayer «1» ceremonies and inspect other congregations, you will see that in the war, people support the government and have no other goal but Islam.
Let me turn to the root of the problems facing Muslims. We acknowledge that the Shi`ite and Sunni brothers have not been able to create the unity required to confront the infidels and polytheists due to their own fault or some other elements. These hands do not let such unity find reality, because around Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and other places disputes are mounting, causing the debility of Muslims and strength of the hegemonic powers. We expect His Excellency «2» to strive in his country and in the neighboring countries to remove the conflicts and expect Muslims to unify their ranks in the face of infidels and polytheists, who want Islam not to be dominant so that they can strip us of our virtues. At a time when all Muslims are afflicted with infidels, polytheists and munafiqin, it is not apt for us to wage war against each other.

is opposed to Islam

And regarding the conflict between Iran and Iraq- you may not be aware of the situation- I should say that from the time I was in exile in Najaf, Saddam was known among the people as the opponent of Islam and a blood-sucking butcher. At that time, he was not the head of the government. However, when he became president, he attacked Iran upon the instigation of the US and under the pretext that Iran and Iranians are Persian and Magi with all the ground, sea and air forces. When our people came to know about the offensive, they stopped the aggressors. Now that the third year of war is approaching, Saddam has attacked and we have always defended. In accordance with Islam, the Qur'an and reason, we cannot fail to defend. Every day they drop bombs or shells on Iranian cities and the defenseless people. As long as they continue with these actions, we have to defend ourselves.
During this span of time, Saddam repeatedly called for peace. His peace meant Khouzestan should be given to him. We also want peace provided that the aggressor is punished. Our nation is standing and present in the scene to restore their legitimate rights, because Iraqis intruded into our country and occupied some of our cities and ruined them. What we are saying is that the aggressor should pay reparations and that qualified persons should come and identify the aggressor and punish him. We have never transgressed upon the Iraqi people, while our forces can hit Baghdad «3» or Basra, but they don't. You can investigate. You see that every day they hit Abadan and some other cities and kill our innocent and defenseless people and announce they have killed military men. We regard the Iraqi people as our brothers and their land as sacred. Iraq is a place where the Immaculate Imams, particularly the Commander of the Faithful (`a) and Imam Husayn (`a) are buried. Two-thirds of the people of Iraq are Shi`ite. The Sunni brothers are also favoring us, while Saddam is totally opposed to Islam and follows that `Aflaqite man. «4» We are ready to make peace, but it is not possible to overlook punishment of the aggressor and payment of reparations by the aggressor. Islam cannot let us leave the aggressor unpunished. They are propagating through foreign radios that Iraq intends to occupy Persian Gulf countries. However, as we have announced time and again Shari`ah not permit us to do such things. However, God, reason and Shari`ah permit Muslims to defend their lives, property and principles. We are an oppressed nation and want you to investigate issues dealing with us.
You noticed that in Lebanon, the puppet government of, Israel, stands against one billion Muslims and attacked and committed such crimes against them. That is unprecedented in history. Still we see Islamic governments endeavor to recognize Israel. We say Israel should be erased from the face of the world and that Bayt al-Muqaddas, the first qiblah of Muslims, belongs to Muslims. May God grant you all success!
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه