شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
"The Eight Articled Directive" concerning the rights of the people; the law, the Judiciary and need to Islamize the relations and the laws
The Judiciary and Executive bodies
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۳۲ تا صفحه ۱۳۶
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Following the reminder for the need to Islamize all the government organizations especially the Judiciary organizations and the need to put into effect the Commandments of God in the system of the Islamic Republic instead of the" Taghouti" laws of the former despotic regime, it is necessary to remind all the relevant authorities about certain points. It is hoped that the Exalted God willing, with expediting their action, these reminders are taken into consideration.
1. Providing the religious laws, their ratification and their announcement should be undertaken with the necessary meticulousness and speed. The laws pertaining to judicial matters and that are applicable to the general public and are of greater importance should be at the head of all the approved laws so that the work of the Judiciary is not delayed or halted and the rights of the people are not ignored. Their communication and implementation should also be the topmost priority.
2. Attending to the competency of the judgment and the lower and higher courts should be done speedily and meticulously so that in the course of the affairs, they are legalized and made Divine and the rights of the people are not violated. Investigation of the competency of the rest of the staff and administrators of the affairs should take place with total impartiality and without any negligence and silly faultfinding that is sometimes seen from certain radical elements. This is in order that at the same time as the corrupt and immoral elements are being dismissed, the useful and effective individuals are not removed by leveling imaginary charges. The criteria is the present circumstance of the individual and overlooking of some of the mistakes that they made during the former regime except that it becomes obvious from correct evidences that they are currently also engaging in sabotage and corruption.
3. The Judiciary officials who fulfill the necessary Islamic conditions, whether at the prosecutors office or the courts of the Revolution must deliver the verdicts of Islam with independence and decisiveness and without consideration of positions of power and continue with their crucial job country-wide without procrastination and hesitation. The delegated authorities for communication and implementation and other relevant matters must adhere to their verdicts so that the nation feels comfortable with the Judiciary and the correctness of the verdict and communication and implementation and summon; they should feel that under the protection of the impartial Islamic verdicts, their lives and properties and honor is secure. Execution of Islamic justice is not exclusive reserve of the Judiciary and its affiliated organizations. Rather, it is also important for the rest of the organizations and bodies of the Islamic Republic system right from the legislative assembly, the government and its bodies, the armed forces and security-forces, the Guards Corps, the Komitehs, the Basij and other positions of authority to practice it. No person has the right to behave in an un-Islamic way with the people.
4. No one has the right to prosecute any person or summon him without the order of the judge that must be based on the religious norms however less the period of his arrest. Arrest or summon by coercion is a crime and contravention of the religious law.
5. No one has the right to take ownership of possession of the property of any person whether movable or immovable or to usurp the right of any person, or confiscate and take custody except with the order of the religious magistrate that, too, after meticulous investigation and proof of verdict from the religious viewpoint.
6. No one has the right to enter the house or shop or workplace of a person without the permission of their owners or arrest any person or in the name of discovery of crime or committing of sin. No one has the right to pursue and follow somebody or insult an individual and commit inhuman and un-Islamic acts or eavesdrop over the telephone, or make a recording on a cassette recorder on the pretext of locating a center of vice or in order to prove a crime and sin- however major the sin be. No one has the right to place listening devices or unearth the secrets of the people or work undercover to discover the sins of others or to disclose the secrets of others even if it is to a single person. All of these are crimes and are sins and some of them because they spread immorality and sins are among the cardinal sins. Those who commit any of the previously mentioned transgressions are criminals and merit religious compensations while some of them are liable for the religious verdict.
7. What has been mentioned and declared to be forbidden are other than the instances that are in connection with the plots and groups that are opposed to Islam and the Islamic Republic order. Groups, which gather in the security of homes and group homes for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic system and to assassinate sacred fighters and the innocent civilians of the streets and bazaars. Groups that engage in hatching terrorist plots and spreading corruption on earth, and committing sacrilege so that with them, wherever they are and likewise, in all the government bodies and Judiciary apparatus and universities and colleges and other centers decisive and severe action is to be taken. However, we must act with absolute caution but under the religious criteria and in keeping with the order of the higher and lower courts of law because to violate the religious limits even in relation to them is not permitted in the same manner that leniency and negligence must not be shown to them. At the same time, the authorities must not take any action that contravenes the limits of their authority, which also is confined to suppressing them in accordance with the stipulated criteria and the religious laws.
It needs to be strictly warned that if in order to find a group home or center of espionage and corruption against the Islamic Republic system, by mistake or error they enter the private homes or workplace of someone and therein they discover instruments of pleasure and vice and gambling and the rest of the deviant materials such as narcotics, they have no right to disclose them to others because the disclosure of immoralities is the biggest of cardinal sins and no one has the right to dishonor a Muslim and violate the religious criteria. They must only act in accordance with the precept of" forbiddance of evil" that has been stipulated in Islam and have no right to arrest or prosecute or beat-up and torture the owners of the homes and the residents. Transgressing the Divine limits is a sin and is liable for compensation and in some instances retaliation. However, those persons that are proven to be engaged in procuring and distributing narcotics among the people are decreed as spreaders of corruption on earth and are evidenced to be spreading immorality and causing death of generations and seeding so that in addition to confiscation of such things in their possession, they must be introduced to the judicial authorities. Likewise, none of the judges has the right to issue initially a verdict by means of which the authorized persons enter the homes or workplace of individuals that are neither secure bases and homes of the outlawed hypocrites and nor of other conspiracies against the Islamic Republic system. In this case, the one who issues the verdict and the one who implements it shall be liable to prosecution under legal and religious laws.
8. His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mousawi Ardebili, chief of the Supreme Court and His Excellency the Prime Minister «1» have a religious duty to thwart the above-mentioned affairs speedily and decisively. It is necessary that throughout the country, in the provincial, district and governorships centers, committees are organized that enjoy the trust and confidence, and the people should be notified to refer their complaints concerning violation and excesses of the executive authorities that transgress their rights and properties to the committees. The above-mentioned committees should then submit the results of their investigation to the sirs, and they by referring the complaints to the relevant authorities and prosecution of the violators, punish the guilty in accordance with the religious limits and penalties prescribed.
All of us, must know that after establishment of the sovereignty of Islam, and stability and order of the Islamic Republic with the endorsement and favors of the Powerful and Benevolent God and involvement of His Holiness the Last of awsiya' and Baqiyyatullah- may our souls be sacrificed for him- and the unprecedented support of the devoted and honorable nation for the system and the government, it is not acceptable and tolerable that in the name of the Revolution and being a revolutionary, God forbid, injustice is done to any person and actions that are contrary to the Divine-laws and the benevolent Islamic ethics are shown by individuals.
From now on when it is the time of consolidation and construction, the nation must feel at peace, secure, and continue with their tasks with relief and assurance. They should support the great Islam and the Islamic government and regard the Judiciary in respect of the appeals and execution of Islamic justice and verdicts, to be in their service. The security and police forces and the Guards Corps and the Komitehs should be regarded as being responsible for the peace and security of themselves and the country. This is the responsibility of all, to enforce it results in the consent of God and happiness both in this world and the afterlife while the violation of it results in the wrath of the Omnipotent God and the chastisement in the afterlife and prosecution and punishment in the world. I beseech the Omnipotent God to safeguard us from all omissions and sins and that He sanctions the Islamic Republic and links it to the worldwide rule of the Upriser of the progeny of Muhammad- May God's peace be upon him and his progeny. May God's peace be upon His righteous servants.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه