شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Husayniyyah Jamaran, Tehran
Birthday of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ja`far Sadiq
The plot to isolate the clergy from society; enunciation of the problems of the world of Islam
Sayyid `Ali Khamene'i (President), Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly), Sayyid `Abdul-Karim Mousawi Ardebili (State Prosecutor General), Rabbani Amlashi (Chief of the High Court of the country) Mir Husayn Mousawi (Prime Minister), Qasim-`Ali ahirnejad (Commander of the Joint Forces of the Army), members of the Council of Guardians, members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, members of the Cabinet; Commanders of the three military forces; head and senior officers of the police forces; commander and high-ranking officers of the gendarmerie; participants in the World Congress of the Friday and Congregational Prayer Leaders; commanders of the Revolutionary Guards Corps; managing director and members of the supervising committee of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting; Association of the Combatant Clergy of Tehran; Association of the lecturers of the Qum Theological School; members of the Cultural Revolution Committee; Chancellors of universities; officials of the Central Komiteh of the Islamic Revolution; top political personalities and dignitaries; members of the Central Assembly of the Friday and Congregation Prayer Leaders; local and foreign journalists (totally 600 people)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۸۹ تا صفحه ۱۹۸
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Birthday of the Prophet (s): Origin of the movement of man towards spirituality

I would like to felicitate this great auspicious Islamic feast on this day the origin of movement of man towards the other world was founded and the spiritual movements originated in an environment, which was contaminated with every kind of polytheism and immoralities. I would like to congratulate all the nation of Islam on the auspicious birth anniversary of the honorable Prophet- may God's peace be upon him and his progeny- and the birthday of his honorable son, the source of all knowledge and carrier of the messages of the honorable Prophet, His Holiness Imam Sadiq- may God's peace be upon him. I also express my affection for all the dear guests; who have arrived here from various places; the Friday prayer leaders and perhaps the congregation prayer leaders and other brethren- I welcome them to their own country. We do not feel any distance between ourselves and the Muslims and we hope that the Muslims also feel that all states are states of Islam and all of them belong to all the Muslims.

Attending to the sufferings and the reason for dispersion in thinking of Muslims

Auspicious is the time when the Muslims attend to the sufferings that they have and look into from where these sufferings have come and what is the reason for these sufferings and what is the way to salvation from them. The Friday-prayer leaders that have arrived in this oppressed and revolutionary country this week and shall God willing come to these sorts of gatherings at other opportunities, must investigate the reason for the diversion in thinking of Muslims and study those things that caused colonialism to dominate the Muslims and that cause resulted in colonialism to control the destinies of Islamic states and rule over all the oppressed of the world. They must evaluate these in the seminars and important conferences, discover the path, the cause and the scope of their domination, and find the solution. What must be done; what has been done and what needs to be done. However, most of the officials are aware from what path global arrogance has entered into these countries; they entered through these same individuals of these nations; with the plans of the backward governments themselves and of governments indifferent to the interests of Muslims and those who belonged to these governments; right from the writers to the orators and sermonizers and possibly the Friday and congregation prayer leaders. With the propaganda that was apparently inspired by foreign powers, they came to the conclusion that the thing that can resist the aliens and the foreign powers is Islam. They have analyzed precisely with the study conducted by the researchers of foreign countries and they regard the only path to their salvation either to eliminate Islam from these countries or that it is devoid of any content. Many regard its elimination to be unsuccessful but they have succeeded in emptying it of its contents and hope to succeed in this respect. If the Muslims do not awaken and take note, this matter and this program shall be pursued.

Scheme of Colonialism in separation of religion from politics

One of the important matters that everybody and many of the men know- for their domination- is to isolate the clergy from the society. For this issue, they have formulated various plans including the separation of politics from religion that unfortunately, has been very effective and has taken hold.
The problems of the Muslims are usually or rather all of them have been via this route than other paths. Now also, the colonial loudspeakers and those who serve the colonialists chant this slogan and regard Islam to be distinct from politics. They do not regard it permissible for the Muslims to interfere in politics and propagate this viewpoint. The clergy who are aligned with the governments and are courtiers propagate this subject- especially in this era. The Friday and congregational prayer leaders and all the sermonizers of the Muslim countries must inform the people of this subject that based on the logic of this segment which says that Muslims must not interfere in politics and they excommunicate them and may perhaps even damn them, they must also ostracize the Prophet of God.

Establishment of rule is the political aspect of the religion of Islam

The Prophet of God has based the foundations of politics on religion. The Prophet of God- may God's peace be upon him and his pure progeny- had established a rule; had established centers of politics. The rest of the caliphs of Islam to the extent that they were not pulled off course at the advent of Islam, must all be negated. These courtier clerics and these subservient kings must ostracize the honorable Prophet and the caliphs of Islam and say that they were not Muslims- precisely because they interfered in politics. The politics existed at the dawn of Islam was a global one. The Prophet of Islam had extended his hands around the world and was calling the world to Islam; and was inviting them to Islamic politics and established a rule; and the subsequent caliphs established governments. From the dawn of Islam, from the time of the Prophet of God until the time when there was no deviation involved, politics and religion were interwoven. Either these courtier clerics or these so-called American or Soviet kings must infringe upon the Prophet and the Prophets and caliph of the Prophet and the Prophets or they must cause their own governments to deviate. The question is between these two and is not outside these two. It is not possible that the logic, which violates our politics in Mecca and prevents the Muslims from chanting slogans against the oppressors and in the rest of the lands where some of the courtier prayer leaders, courtier Friday prayer leaders- if at all they exist among them- and courtier congregational prayer leaders are placed at the crossroad; that they should want to select any of them. To make a choice that neither the Prophet of God nor the caliphs after him and nor those that took charge of the affairs of Islam of the companions and those related to them at the dawn of Islam were Muslim; or confess that they themselves and the rules, which exist in their lands are not Muslim. The choice will not be other than between these two. All of them are at this crossroad and the suffering of the Muslims is also in the same thing that has been infused in them; propagated in them that the clergy must go to the schools and mosques and speak on some of the subjects of Islam- not all of them. The fundamental issue is here that whether Islam is the religion of politics. Is it politics with all its dimensions; with the social issues of nations in all its dimensions; with the economic and cultural dimensions and all its aspects; linked with all individuals; or that must Islam be isolated and that those that ruled at the dawn of Islam were all in error.

Eliminating Islam by means of showing the commandments of Islam to be devoid of substance

The Muslims should know that these colonial trumpeters are separating them from Islam and eliminating Islam and are emptying Islam of its significance- including the subject of the Friday prayer leadership. At the dawn of Islam, the political issues would be sorted out in the mosques and through the good offices of the Friday prayer leader; the strategy for battle would be planned there. Unfortunately, they took us to the stage where in the Friday sermons there is nothing except for a few words of admonishment and warnings not to interfere in the affairs. Either no Friday prayer was held or if it at all was held, it was devoid of substance. Either they would not allow the people to go on Hajj pilgrimage or if they went, it was a Hajj pilgrimage without substance. A Hajj pilgrimage, which is a get together of Muslims and all Muslims, must solve their problems of the year in that place, all must sit around, and their scholars and intellectuals sit down together and discuss the Islamic issues. They should remind of the problems that they are faced with in each of the countries at the hands of the governments or at the hands of the big powers and think about the solutions and plan. They have made the Hajj pilgrimage to become devoid of substance and a lackluster event. Today, also a section of the Muslims from Iran and outside Iran are thinking of resolving the Islamic problems, the sufferings of the Muslims, the social issues, other issues that the Muslims are facing; problems that the big powers have created for them and the problems that the governments have created for them in that place. Unfortunately, it had been made into a lackluster event and convinced the people that it was not anything other than this. Today, also, they oppose a section that wants to revive it with all their strength. Today also, some courtier clerics are isolating Iran; they regard the Muslims of Iran to be non-Muslims simply because they are opposed to America. What crime is greater than this and what thing is greater in distancing a person from Islam than for a person to show disrespect to America and Israel! You Muslims are being faced with these problems.

Duties of the Friday prayer leaders in explaining the problems of Islam and the Muslims

It is the Friday prayer leaders of the land that must explain the problems to the Muslims. They should not think that if they discuss these issues in public gatherings of Muslims, their governments could no longer be able to mistreat them. Today, the Friday prayer leaders that have arrived from all over the homeland, it is not that on their return to their respective regions, they will be able to solve the problems of the Muslims and pinpoint the problems and what the problems are and what are the reasons for the problems to the people right from the first Friday prayer that they lead. If all discuss these problems together, then rest assured that the governments cannot cause you trouble. They should discuss the problems of Iran; the political problems of Iran; the social problems of Iran; the Islamic problems of Iran and mention them to all the nations that how Iran was able to drive away the" Taghout" regime- a" Taghouti" regime that was greater than all of these minor" Taghouts" and installed Islam in its place. In the same manner, that Iran with the masses of its people was able to accomplish this task and the clergy, the writers and the orators became the sources of this matter; the men should also mention this matter wherever they go. They should awaken the people; they should enlighten the people, explain the pains to the people, and explain to them the cure. It is not enough that the men should sit at a get together or a meeting, talk among themselves, and write something. It is good but it is not enough. This issue must be circulated among all Muslim nations; the subject of Iran must be circulated in relation to all the loudspeakers that are now apprehensive of Islam and are seeing that Iran wants to offer and propagate Islam locally and to all the rest of the Islamic lands. In the face of all the loudspeakers that are pounding Iran, and all the speakers that do not regard Iran to be Islamic and regard Iran as a suppressive country that kills people, a country that kills children and pregnant women. This is only because they are fearful of Iran and want to degrade Iran among the Muslims. The Friday prayer leaders that are in every region and have come here and have seen the situation in Iran- it is hoped that some others from other lands also undertake the journey. If they should journey to Khouzestan province, they shall witness the crimes that America committed in Khouzestan and the crimes that the agents of America have committed in the `Arab inhabited region of Iran in the name of non-`Arabs; they shall see the way of thinking of those courtier clergy and the way of thinking of those rulers. You must act; speech alone is not enough; action is required. The Muslims must enter the arena; they must make their presence felt. The theologians of Islam must enter the arena. In the same way the theologians of our country came and achieved results, they must bring the Muslims to the scene. They must bring the Muslims to the scene of battle with their publicity in order to sever the hands of the agents of the big governments or make them to submit before Islam.
If I speak of all the problems of the Muslims and their solutions, I do not have a lot of command on the subject and nor does your time permit me and nor my disposition. However, you who have come here and have meetings and get together and study the situation; one of the important studies is the subject of problems that we have discovered from the superpowers and are pathways that they have infiltrated the Muslim countries. Subsequent to comprehending the illness, you must also find he remedy. I hope that you succeed in it. When you work for the cause of God and for His consent then rest assured that God shall also guide you on course to the destination and He shall also bless you and be with you. This subject became a reality in Iran. You see Iran with a small population, without any weapons, and without any organization resisted against a great power that ruled this country oppressively for two thousand five-hundred years and today also- meaning in our time too- all the great powers aided him and gave him weapons; all of them would give him facilities, this small nation resisted in the face of all these powers whether of the East or the West and was not afraid of death. It was transformed into divine human beings who were zealous to meet the Blessed and Almighty God and were in love with martyrdom, has carried, and is carrying forward their objective. It must also be the same in the rest of the countries. Enlighten the governments. If they submit and are prepared to behave in accordance with Islamic teachings, they should be accepted; and if they are not ready, then they must fight them and not be afraid of anything.

Big powers are the root of the sufferings of Muslims

The sufferings of Muslims are all from these superpowers and their promptings and infusions to their servants in the regions. All the troubles that plague the Muslims are because of them and unless they are not liberated from their hands, the sufferings will not go away. One must see with what right America extends its reach from the other side of the world to this side of the world, interferes in Muslim countries, and wants to determine the destinies of the Muslim countries. Is it not a shame for the Muslims that a country, which is regarded as the enemy of God- meaning its leaders- a country that is considered as the enemy of Islam and is considered an enemy of humanity should extend its hands from the other part of the world on a population of a billion Muslims and determine the destiny of Islamic states? That no one should question why it is interfering in Lebanon! Who are you to interfere in Egypt? We have broken its hands, severed it, and thrown them out from our country. America says that it has interests in the region! Why must it have interests in our region? Why must the interests of the Muslims be the interests of America and why must it have interests in the region and not a single person question it? Not a single soul should question America that who are you that want to determine the fate of this region? What businesses do you have? Why have you come? All the meetings that are arranged by the corrupt powers themselves are sitting silently although it is commonly considered in the world to be wrong for a government to interfere in the affairs of another government. Yet, it interferes openly and the dirty reactionary governments also openly ask it to interfere. These general meetings do not question why it is interfering. What businesses do you have to come here from the other part of the world to determine the destinies of the people? You want to interfere in the destinies of the Muslims. More unfortunate than that is the question of Israel, which until this day, the colonial propaganda machinery are encouraging Israel while at the same time accusing Iran of buying armaments from Israel and being allied with it. Sometimes they also say that Iranians are allied to the Americans. An Iran that since twenty years or more until now its enlightened orators regard Israel to be at the top of the list of their opponents and opposition to Israel is its topmost priority is accused of buying things from Israel. While an Iraq that supports Israel and that is supported by Israel is not Israeli! It is opposed to Israel! These are the afflictions that plague Muslims who sit back and ask what is to be done? O the Friday prayer leaders of Islamic lands and Muslim countries, what must be done? Why have we come to this day when America should come from the other part of the world and determine the destinies of our countries, and the destinies of the theologians of Islam even if it is with the help of others. Why should it openly say that it has interests in the region and interfere blatantly in the region while the Muslims sit back and watch? O the Friday prayer leaders of Islamic lands enlighten the people! Mention these" whys" to the people. These" whys" apply both to the West as well as to the East. Why does the Soviet Union interfere in Islamic states and that too, military interference? America also interferes in every manner in the countries that are under its influence or wants to bring them in its sphere of influence; it interferes both militarily and also politically- and every kind of interference. Well, this has no `why' in the world. Must not this population of one billion ask `why'? If from this one billion population half of they cry out `Why', then America will move aside. America secures its interests by means of these same dependent governments, at the hands of these same evil writers and corrupt orators while the Muslims sit back, these writers write, and these speakers speak. These courtier and these courtier clergymen assist these big powers while the people sit back, listen, and watch. Is there no obligation? Do the Muslims no longer have any obligations in this era? Are the Muslims alone? Must we not learn lessons from the history of the Prophet of God? He was a single individual and he accomplished such a feat. Must we not learn lessons from the history of the world that a single Prophet Moses did to the pharaoh? We must take lessons. Sir, that day there was no companion with the Prophet and he was alone with all the enemies; even his own kindred were hostile to him. However, trust in God; devotion to Him, destruction in His cause carried the task forward. A person cannot be a worshipper of the self and a worshipper of God. A person cannot consider his own interests as well as the interests of Islam. It must be one of the two; he must be either divine or evil; these are the two paths. You treat the people so that they come out of these immoral spirits.

Carnal desires are the source of corruption in regimes

If there are regimes in Islam that are governing in an unlawful manner, they should come out of this carnal spirit. If they take note of the honor of Islam; at the values of Islam and for the sake of a garden or orchard or a property and so forth, do not trample upon Islam, the problems of Islam shall be solved.
" Love of the world is at the head of all wrongdoings." «1» All the sins are from man himself and from this love of man for himself. If those who lived during the advent of Islam were like the Muslims of today, they, too, would have suffocated in their same respective place and locality. However, they strove for Islam with their heart and soul and then departed and not because they wanted to conquer a country. What benefit has a country for Islam? It is because it builds human beings. They went in order that the oppressors sever their evil intents against the innocent. They went in order to sever the hands of the tyrants and to realize the divine promise that," and we willed that we favored the weak and oppressed clan in that land and to make them the leaders of the people and the heirs to the land and position of the pharaoh." «2» and they were very successful. However, they could not accomplish as much as they wanted; they wanted to tame the whole world. The Friday prayer leaders should strive to summon the people to piety; to make the people become pious, to cause the people to abstain from the material world and worldly aspirations. If they succeed in this objective, they shall succeed in arming themselves against those that are dominating the interests of Islam.

Call to piety and human values

You are a stranger here although this is your own home. However, you have just arrived here in your home and you do not know what it was like in Iran, what happened, and what has passed. What was the state of Iran; what was the situation on the streets of Iran. The liquor stores far outnumbered the bookshops and the dens of vice, and the brothels, the newspapers, the magazines, the cinemas, the theatres, the intellectuals, and all of them had blended together and created a satanic country. They had created an evil" Taghouti" country; and throughout history, Islam has extended its favors, its blessing to this oppressed nation and as a result, they were transformed. The man who frequented houses of vice was transformed into an Islamic fighter. A licentious man was transformed into a man who loved to die and it is this love for death that is solving all the problems of Islam. If these youth and these combatants that are all in love with death from all the strata- from the army, the Guards Corps, the volunteer Basij mobilization and the tribes and the rest of the people that are all united- had not been present; if this transformation had not occurred, we would still be languishing in the monarchial prisons. Transform the people. The remedy is in enlightening and transforming the people; in calling upon them to be pious; in inviting them to observe human values. For the evil" Taghouti", human values imply having so many dogs and so many cars and so many gardens and so many servants. They trampled upon all the human values. You should invite the people; find the solution in these seminars and enlighten the people of your own countries about the issues and especially the political issues. Do not be afraid of these few courtiers that say that the clergy must not interfere in politics. Praise is due to God, the great majority of the men of theology in Iran interferes in politics; interferes in social affairs. Those few that remain at the bottom; that are remnants of the court can no longer do anything. This is how you should make the nation and I pray for all of you and do what my profession- which is to pray- demands. I implore the Almighty God to assist the Muslims throughout the world and to grant victory to the oppressed over the oppressors throughout the world. I pray for the success and endorsement of you the congregation prayer leaders and the Friday prayer leaders in this important Islamic matter and in this Islamic bunker that you are in; I beseech the Blessed and Almighty God for your success in serving Islam.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه