شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Political-Divine (Will timeless message of Imam Khomeini to the contemporaries and future generations)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۱۱ تا صفحه ۳۱۲
[Imam Khomeini finished writing his political-divine will, which in fact is the timeless message and summary of all the wills and messages of his life on February 15,1982 (Bahman 26,1361 AHS). He deposited in trust a copy of it on July 13,1983 (Tir 22,1362 AHS) vide a message to the Experts of the first term of the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership. In the following years, Imam Khomeini reviewed the will and after amending it, gave two copies of the amended version in an envelope on which is written:" Text of my political-divine will for safekeeping in the Assembly of Experts and Astan-e Quds-e Radawi" that was delivered to the aforesaid centers by my representatives. The copy of the will was delivered in the presence of a gathering of the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran system on December 10,1987 (Azar 19,1366 AHS) and the handing-over ceremony was broadcast by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. At this meeting Messrs. Muntaziri (Deputy leader at that time), Khamene'i (President at that time), Hashemi Rafsanjani (Head of the Islamic Consultative Assembly), Mir Husayn Mousawi (Prime Minister), Meshkini (Head of the Assembly of Experts), Safi (Secretary of the Guardian Council), Mousawi Ardeblii (Head of the Supreme Court), Mousawi Khoeyniha (State Prosecutor General), Mahdawi Kani (Secretary of the Association of Combatant Clerics), Karroubi (Secretary of the Association of Combatant Clergymen), Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini and staff members of the Office of the Imam were present. After this meeting, those present went to the Islamic Consultative Assembly in order to seal the will in the two envelopes. At the office of the head of the Assembly, initially Mr. Meshkini spoke and thereafter, Mr. Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini handed over the will to him. The sealing ceremonies was performed in the presence of the gathering and the copy related to the Astane Quds-e Radawi was taken to the sacred city of Mashhad by Messrs. Mahdawi Kani, Karroubi, Tawassuli and Sani`i. Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini took the previous manuscript of the will that was being kept at the Assembly of Experts to the Imam.
Full text of the will of Imam Khomeini has been included as a timeless message in the last volume of this same collection (as the final document)].
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه