شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Martyrdom of six members of the family of Ayatullah Hakim in Iraq
Nation of Iran and Iraq
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۶۱ تا صفحه ۴۶۳
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"We are from God and to Him shall we return."
The extremely sorrowful and shocking news of the martyrdom of six members of the family of the late Ayatullah Hakim- may God's peace be upon him- at the hands of the savage criminal of the world Saddam in the manner that his honorable son His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Hakim reported cause every person with a conscience that has not deviated from human nature to become aggrieved and sorrowful. We live in an era in which the destinies of the subjugated and oppressed nations is in the hands of a bunch of seasoned criminals over whom the brutal nature predominates. In our era and the epoch similar to it, the world has suffered from regimes that rule only with the law of jungle. We are in an era tahe criminals are praised and endorsed instead of being punished and reprimanded. We are in an era in which the so-called human rights organizations are the guardians of the oppressive interests of the super criminals and defenders of their tyranny and of their dependents. We are continuing with our deadly existence in a region in which the majority of its leaders, all eyes and ears under the command of America, and endorse and legalize the crimes of Israel and the Ba`ath Party of Iraq and strive to destroy Islam and the glorious Qur'an. We are living in an environment in which the oppressed whose only crime is to defend the truth, are being crushed under the boots of the oppressors and the dirty courtier clerics give an Islamic aspect to these actions. We and the world of Christianity are in an era in which the leader of the Catholics, the pope, instead of condemning America for the crimes it has committed against humanity and calling upon its followers to confront the oppressors, gives its backing to America and advises the other oppressors to cooperate with it. Now in this poisonous world in which to breathe is to die gradually, what is the duty of the nations under hegemony of these superpowers and their parasites? They must sit down, watch these criminal scenes, and with their silence allow the world to burn in the fire? In this era, do the clergy, the writers, the intellectuals, the thinkers from every nation and creed not have a humanitarian, religious, national and moral duty and must play the role of spectators in their respective countries? Alternatively, these leaders and rulers must with their speeches and writings mobilize the oppressed nations so that the tyrants are eliminated from the scene and the government is handed over to the oppressed in the same way that it occurred in Iran with the struggles of the honorable nation. Was there in the region a power on par with the tyrannical monarchy and despotism and a nation as subjugated as this oppressed nation? You saw that with bare hands and sacrificing their lives and strength, in a short period they liberated themselves from the chains and either enslaved the oppressors and the thieves or banished them. The deprived and the oppressed in history must arise and not wait for the oppressors to liberate them from the chains of hegemony.
I express my condolences for this great tragedy that befell the Eminent Hakim family and the brutal and horrific manner of martyrdom of six of the offspring of the honorable Prophet at the hands of the executioners of Saddam, to their great forbearers and to the great Islam and the pious Muslims of the world and the nation of Iran and Iraq.
The nation of Iraq must know that the question is not of the honorable Hakim family. They who were martyred with those tortures were martyred in the path of beloved Islam and in the interests of the nation of Iraq and were resurrected in the proximity of their glorious ancestors and returned to God. However, the important issue is Islam so that if the atheist who is in essence an opponent of Islam is given respite, he will crush the great Islam and the beloved nation of Iraq under the boots of his brutal executioners and he will not content himself with the generations and offspring of the nation of Iraq. Until when will the Iraqi army whose cadres belong to that very nation and are the sons of that soil and land tolerate these disgraces? It is surprising that the well-wishers of the region are actively engaged in making efforts, in their own opinion, to create peace between the Ba`ath Party and the government of Iran unaware that peace between this sharp-toothed leopard is injustice to the poor and Islam and the Muslims. They are also unaware that the person who because of defeat in the war and losing his all has become such a lunatic that he does not respect any agreement. The nation of Iran, considering the amount of pain and suffering that it has seen from this executioner under no circumstance agrees to peace and will save the beloved Islam so that in the name of peace, the oppressed nations are not made to bear injustices that are beyond their ability to tolerate.
Once again, I express my condolences for this great tragedy to all Muslims and especially the Honorable Hakim family and His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad-Baqir Hakim. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Ramadan al-Mubarak 6,1403 AH/ 28/3/1362 AHS
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه