شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
The role of MPs in creating rapport in the Majlis
MPs from oil, Islamic guidance and art commissions
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۸ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۷ تا صفحه ۳۹
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Resolving problems thanks to the Islamic nature of revolution

I thank the gentlemen for coming here so that we can discuss problem. The important issue is that we should pay attention to our situation and that of other revolutions taking place in the world. For example, a country may launch a revolution backed by the Soviet Union, the US and their likes, which is a different revolution. Sometimes a country like Iran carries out a revolution and separates itself from all western and eastern powers, which want to interfere in it. However, we see that those having conducted revolutions with the support of big powers are in worse situation than we are. With these two features, it is impossible to expect all the problems to be settled overnight. If it were not for the Islamic nature of the revolution, our problems would not have been resolved forever. Since it is Islamic, people are together and love Islam. Despite the massive propaganda, war and problems imposed on us Iran has firmly resisted in the years following revolution and continues to move ahead. The duty of the deputies is to try to remove problems everywhere and not expect problems to be resolved immediately.

Observing codes of ethics in Majlis debates

It is important that the MPs have rapport among themselves, with the governments and other officials. Majlis, which is the foundation of a country, should be a venue for debate and strengthening morality in society. Criticism and impeachment are the rights of the Majlis. However, treating the offender calmly and using ethical means settle the difference more efficiently, than sarcastic words or violent argument. Therefore, pre-sermon speeches or the subjects dealt with in the Majlis should push forward people towards improvement such as sermons of Nahj al-Balaghah and sermons of Immaculate Imams. In their speech, the gentlemen should have the feeling that they are speaking into interests of society, not for confrontation. They should consider themselves, as preacher intending to give admonition to people and people should feel that these gentlemen seek their good and interests.

Duty of the youth in war and fight against the enemy

I am aware of the issues you touched upon, but problems should be resolved gradually. Today our major problem is war, and you see that almost on all fronts we are engaged with it. We should redouble our efforts to bring this war to victory. If God forbid this war does not end in victory and we suffer defeat, do not assume that it will be limited to Iran, all deprived peoples of the world will undergo defeat. Today, people from all over the world casting a look at us to see how Iran fares in this war. All the gentlemen should bear in mind and I tell the entire people of the country, particularly the youth that the war, which is raging, is a fateful one. It is a war on one side of which the enemy has come with all equipment and support of all superpowers and on the other side, there is Iran that has separated itself from all big powers and relied upon God Almighty. Therefore, our youths should determine the fate of the war. These Iranian youths should keep the passion for war excited. Thank God, our combatants are victorious everywhere and you know that if God forbid Saddam emerges victorious what he will do with the people in this country.
It pales in comparison to Islam sustaining damage and not being able to recover soon. Once again, I remind the people of the country that today utmost attention should be given to the war. Today the entire Islam has stood against the entire blasphemy. If we capture somewhere, we should not feel proud. We should continue this victory to the point that the aggressor gets a good lesson; i. e, it is vanquished. Human losses are not reparable, but all the financial damages to this country should be compensated. The point I would like to stress is that today all our youths are obliged to keep the warfronts warm and join their brothers who are involved in war. If the war problem is over and ends in a clear-cut victory, other problems are secondary and their settlement is easy. People will past things aright. The government also finds the opportunity to resolve the problems. We should be together in war and other affairs. If we are together, we will be able to go ahead with our tasks. Thank God, there is no difference in the Majlis and almost all deputies are righteous individuals who should develop understanding among themselves and others. They should strengthen other forces, the government, the warfronts and the armed forces, and encourage people to help the armed forces on both the home front and warfronts. Thank God, so far they have done so.
I thank the gentlemen and the people present on warfronts and home front, serving for the sake of Islam. I hope that the problems will be resolved through the efforts of the gentlemen and confirmation of God Almighty soon. I pray for your success and approval.
May God's peace and blessings be upon you!
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه