شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Resistance and firmness of the Iranian nation against the US
Sayyid `Ali Khamene'i (President), Qaradi (Oil Minister), experts and workers in charge of containing Nowrouz oil well
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۸ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۱۸ تا صفحه ۱۲۰
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Firmness of Iran against US

I am very glad to see the dear brothers who are a cause of pride for us today. The spiritual dimension of this issue is more important than its material aspect. From the material aspect, some oil used to go to waste, which thank God, the waste eliminated. However, the spiritual aspect is what you pointed out- they are always fighting us of such issues. They tell us not to touch anything because we are unable to do anything, because only the Americans, the French and others can handle these things. However, our youths, our workers and all those engaged in the industry demonstrated that what they considered impossible is possible. We should try to blaze a trial for bigger accomplishments in the future. We should not be gripped with the fear that we cannot do something. Actually, we can.
Right, Last night I watched the film showing the repair operations. Of course, I cannot understand those issues properly, but know the difficulty with which the job has been done. It has been accomplished with much difficulty. As I said before, they argued then none except Americans or their likes could achieve such an accomplishment. In doing so, they wanted to push us towards their camp. This approach should be brought to the attention of the Islamic countries, particularly countries on the Persian Gulf. They should be reminded to rise up and release themselves from the big powers' captivity. They can do tings on their own. They have control over the lifeline of the US and its likes. They can accomplish things on their own.
Islamic governments try in vein to bring Iran into their own fold and make it affiliated to the US. These efforts are useless and Iran will never- God willing- stretch its hand to the US, even if it is annihilated. Do they think that we surrender to the US for, let's say, oil or anything else? We will never succumb to others to even if we are threatened with annihilation. They can rule over us after over annihilation. Of course, it is not like this that they can do whatever they wish. This is not the case. They have shown their performance in Afghanistan. That Soviet Union that is bigger bully than the US, though the latter is more sinister, tried its strength in Afghanistan and saw the results. The US also has, in other places such as Vietnam and its likes has seen the results. However, there are profound differences between there and here. Governments of those countries sided with the US. In Afghanistan its party, its army and almost everything sided with the Soviet Union. However, those strong guerillas stood and slapped on their face and are stilling doing so. Here thank God the entire nation is together: workers, civil servants, the farmers, the government, the president and, let me see, Majlis are all united. The military, Sepah, Basij and all are one entity and constitute one organization under different names. You see that these gentlemen themselves settled all the things they brought about for us; solved all problems they created for us. The future problems will also be settled by the same gentlemen. We can remove our problems through our own efforts and by preserving our honor.

Reliance on God and turning away from other than Him

Why should we stretch our hands before others for such affairs? We should put our minds into operation. All the country should do so. All universities, factories, etc. should apply their mind. They will be able to do so and God opens the way. At first, one might think something is impossible, but as one gets involved; he gradually realizes that God opens the way and things will be done. God will open the way. Well! Such a job done by our dear youths was important; it was not a trivial thing. They struggled and diligently accomplished that important job. They can do other jobs. We should not be despairing. We should disappoint ourselves from other than God and do not count on them and only rely on God Almighty and our national and Islamic power in order to push forward our works. The works will thus go forward; some might be accomplished sooner and some a little later. We should decide definitely not to stretch our hands before the US, the Soviet Union or any other power. It is regrettable to see that the governments around us in the name of Islam are struggling to tighten the bonds of their servitude. It does not mean they do not understand; many of them know that if they are on good terms with Islamic Republic, it is good for them. However, there is a satanic temptation in their hearts, which prevent them from raising voice against the US. They used to say formerly that it is not possible to confront the US and the Shah. Well! Our people confronted and managed it. It is possible to curtail the influence of the US, the Soviet Union and all and you saw nothing happened and nothing else will come about.
The question is that if a nation resolute to do something, nothing can be imposed on it. It is possible to impose on a group, on a party or other related entities, but not on a nation. When a nation plans to go a way, it is not possible to dissuade them. By force, one cannot dissuade a nation from the path it traverses. It is possible for powers to suppress a nation, but they cannot continue with this to the end; they will be paralyzed on the way. Thank God, is in such a situation that they cannot impose anything on us from the very beginning let alone continue with this until midway. God willing they cannot from the start. We trust God and God will protect our youths, our government and our nation. I should really appreciate you dear youths whose spiritual dimension is great for Islam and for Iran. You were the ones who proved everything. May God grant you the reward of mujahidin!
May God's peace and mercy be upon you!
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه