شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Performance of congregational prayer in offices, factories and banks during working hours
Mir Husayn Mousawi (Prime Minister)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۸ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۵۴ تا صفحه ۱۵۵
[In His Most Exalted Name
Your Highness Founder of Islamic Republic of Iran Hadrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma Imam Khomeini, May your presence last long,
After endless greetings, considering that in some bank branches and departments attending constitutional prayers may cause misuse of or damage to the public treasury, the following queries have been raised:
1- If attending congregational prayer at the earliest time causes redduction in production of a factory or disorder in the manufacturing process, can the manager of the factory ask the staff to attend the prayer after working hours?
2- If the government's circular, which calls for performing congregational prayers in bank branches and departments is misused and people's affairs are delayed, can performance of prayers be postponed until the end of working hours around 2 PM?
3- Is the government authorized to override the circular in case it may undermine the prestige of the Islamic Republic or cause a loss to the public treasury?
Mir Husayn Mousawi
Prime Minister
23/7/1362 AHS]
In His Most Exalted Name
[Answer]1- Prayer should be performed after the end of work hours and if it is a state factory, the official cannot give such permission.
[Answer]2- It is necessary to perform the prayer after working hours.
[Answer]3- Government can, and in such a case has to override that circular.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه