شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Warning to Majlis deputies to withhold raising issues running counter to interests of the country in pre-sermon speeches
Majlis deputies
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۱۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۸۲ تا صفحه ۳۸۳
In His Most Exalted Name
It is regrettable that Islamic Consultative Assembly that is primarily bound to preserve the prestige of the Islamic Republic and recently when the imperialist world and its affiliates are unceasingly struggling against Islam and the interests of Islamic country of Iran spread subjects wittingly or unwittingly and for non-revolutionary purposes about the government and government institution in pre-sermon speeches. Reflection of these materials among unaware listeners would despair them so that it appears Islamic government offices are collectively engaged in plundering people, bribing, theft and opposition to weaker masses of people, indulging in red-tapism, nepotism and thousands of other crimes. Anyone hearing these things and is unaware imagines that one is not authorized to approach government offices without bribing them and without connection. This has triggered irresolution among people in some regions of the country to participate in Friday prayer and warfronts as incoming reports indicate. The gentlemen know that if in an office some individuals commit some offences and one attributes this generally to government organizations and civil servants, one has committed a cardinal sin and is accountable before God. If some gentlemen have been impressed by corrupt propaganda and voice such mordant and uncalculated words without investigation, they will undermine the revolution and finally Islam. I consider advising the gentlemen to be a brotherly right inspired from faith and stress not to raise issues that harm the prestige of the Islamic Republic and discredit the hard-working layer who works with picayune amount of salary, causing the people to develop a cynical attitude to the serving government and innocent organizations. Reflection of such words might bring about political and even military defeat for the Islamic country. You should not project these issues as soon as you receive corrupt and biased reports of a handful of defeated elements and not tarnish the image of the Islamic Republic and Islam. In accordance with religious standards if one is aware that a specific person has committed an offence and does not openly engaged in iniquity, disclosing this infamy runs counter to canon. If in offices or other places one committed a sin, one should not disclose in public, but one should report to competent courts and concerned officials to prevent and punish. Mere legal practice does not imply some irreligious act has been committed. Notice that for meeting these two world-devouring imperialists «1» who find them defeated among the oppressed societies and nations, massive propaganda operations are underway to dupe people and compensate their political defeat, imposing on the world that unless under the protection of these two powers one cannot live. We who have been relieved of thos e corruptions, fornications, plundering and dependencies with the sanction of God Almighty and diligence of the honorable nation and today you will not find any country in the world with such goodness and integrity will dig the grave of the revolution and that of ours with our own hands. Finally, why others are united in their wrong and we are dispersed in our right. While I confirm the respected Islamic Consultative Assembly, I would like this Islamic assembly to be teacher of Islamic ethics and etiquette and not make such caustic criticism prompting the foreign propaganda horns to find greater excuse for rumormongering. May God grant success to the gentlemen! May God's peace and mercy be upon you!
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Rabi` al-Mawloud 6,1406 AHS
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه