شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Determining the guardianship of the holy shrines and sites
Sayyid Mahdi Imam Jamarani
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۶۶ تا صفحه ۱۶۷
To the Great Leader of the Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Highness Grand Ayatullah Imam Khomeini- may his sublime existence endure,
With the conveyance of greetings and salutations, you are kindly notified that during the initial period of the victory of the Islamic Revolution you, directly or through your esteemed office, authorized some of the gentlemen to shoulder the responsibility of administering the mentioned sites and their pertinent endowments in a bid to avoid wasting endowments and funds of the holy shrines and sites. Now, thank God, the relevant laws and rules have been approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly and endorsed by the honorable Guardian Council, and their regulations have been drawn up and approved. In the text of the law, Imam Rida's (`a) holy shrine, Hadrat Ma`soumah (`a) holy shrine, Hadrat `Abdul-`Azim al-Hasani (`a) holy shrine, and Hadrat Ahmad ibn Mousa Shahcheragh (`a) holy shrine in Shiraz whose castodians have been directly designated by Your Eminence, have been exempted. If you allow, as in the past, the other holy sites would be administered under the guardianship of the outstanding chiefs. Of course, based on the rules they can also serve as the trustees through this organization. In any case, we seek Your Eminence's blessed opinion. Whatever order you have will be implemented.
Sayyid Mahdi Imam Jamarani
Imam Khomeini's representative and Supervisor of Hajj, Endowments and Charity Affairs
Dey 4,1365 AHS]
In His Most Exalted Name
With the preservation of religious considerations and honor of individuals, act according to the rules and laws.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini Rabi` ath-Thani 26 (1407 AH)
Dey 8,1365 AHS
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه