شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Necessity of understanding and observing religious and ethical disciplines during the Hajj rituals
Mahdi Karroubi (,Imam Khomeini's representative and superintendent of the Hajj pilgrims), Sayyid Muhammad Khatami (minister of culture and Islamic guidance), Sayyid Mahdi Imam Jamarani (superintendent of Hajj, Endowments and Charity Organization), and Muhsin Rida'i (superintendent of the Pilgrimage and Hajj Affairs)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۲۸۸
[In an interview Mr. Karroubi announced that together with Mr. Khatami, minister of culture and Islamic guidance; Mr. Imam Jamarani, superintendent of Hajj, Endowments and Charity Affairs Organization; and Mr. Rida'i, superintendent of the Pilgrimage and Hajj Affairs he submitted a report on the various operation and activities which the Hajj officials in the fields of propagation, publishing religious questions related to Hajj, welfare and comfort of the pilgrims, other programs, as well as the developments which have taken place in this field in the to Imam Khomeini. While extending gratitude to the officials and staff of Hajj, Imam Khomeini said:
I hope that this year there is more understanding among the Iranian pilgrims, people of Saudi Arabia and the honorable pilgrims from different countries visiting Mecca. I also hope that the honorable pilgrims will observe more than ever before the Islamic religious and ethical disciplines.
Of course, I will treat the questions pertaining to Hajj later, but among the subjects I have to remind is that I hope the government in Saudi Arabia will not create problem that may put them and us in trouble
The first supplication of the pilgrims in the House of God should be for the victory of Islam and the Islamic combatants.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه